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Water cycle in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) is an important research topic in hydrology and ecology. The differences in the composition of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in different water bodies can indicate water cycle process. Based on the measurements of isotopic compositions in precipitation, soil water, and plant water, we analyzed water isotope evolution in a SPAC system located in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Chengdu Plain. The different interface processes of regional water cycle was revealed. The results showed that the local meteoric water line (LMWL) equation was δD=7.13 δ18O+2.35 (R2=0.99), and the soil evaporation line (SEL) equation was δD=6.98δ18O-0.32 (R2=0.92). In the water transportation process of precipitation-soil water-plant water, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes were gradually enriched. The δ18O in water of the surface soil layer (0-35 cm) was sensitive to precipitation input, as it was directly affected by precipitation. In contrast, the δ18O in water of the middle and deep layers (35-100 cm) was relatively stable. The isotopes of plant xylem water were slightly more enriched than those of soil water, indicating the possibility of slight evaporation or transpiration through phloem or bark in plant water transportation. The estimation of plant water intake from different soil layers was performed by direct correlation method. Cinnamomum camphora mainly used water from the middle layer, Broussonetia papyrifera mainly used that from the surface layer, and Parathelypteris glanduligera tended to use surface soil water and precipitation intercepted by plants because of the shallow root system. Compared with P. glanduligera, C. camphora and B. papyrifera experienced stronger water evaporation and the isotopes were influenced by more intense dynamic fractionation.Understanding the changes of natural abundance of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) along soil profile is of great importance in revealing the mechanisms of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Based on a comprehensive review on the distribution of δ13C and δ15N along soil profile, the mechanisms underlying their vertical distribution were mainly introduced here. There were three mechanisms driving the δ13C vertical distribution in soil profile 1) historical changes of vegetation δ13C value, 2) changes of C3-C4 species dominance in plant communities, 3) accumulation of 13C-enriched microbial-derived carbon during decomposition. The effects of 13C Suess effect on the vertical distribution of δ13C in soil profile were also discussed. There were four mechanisms underlying the vertical distribution of δ15N in soil profile 1) 15N-depletion gas loss during denitrification, 2) accumulation of 15N-enriched microbial-derived nitrogen during decomposition, 3) accumulation of 15N-encriched mycorrhizal fungi residues in deep soil as a result of transferring 15N-depleted nitrogen compounds to plants by mycorrhizae, 4) intera-ction between soil organic matter and mineral substance. We proposed important concerning points for the future study on vertical distribution of natural abundance of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in soil profile.Co-driven by environmental change and human activity, global ecosystem has been experiencing rapid changes, with cascading effects on resources and environment. The changes of ecosystem status and its spatiotemporal evolution drivers, and the related resource and environmental effects have been recognized as the long standing topics of large-scale terrestrial ecosystem science. The coordinated observation networks distributed across different continents and the globe provide the valuable tools for observing and evaluating ecosystem state change, for revealing and elaborating mechanisms underlying ecosystem response, for cognizing and understanding ecosystem evolution, and for predicting and early-warning of ecosystem change. Committing to serving the continental-scale ecosystem science and supporting regional ecological environmental governance, this review first comprehensively analyzed the current status of ecological environment observation research networks, then proposed their development directions. This review advocated to develop a collaborative observation system with characteristics of multi-element, multi-interface, multi-medium, multi-process, multi-scale and multi-method, and to establish the new generation of continental ecosystem observation-experiment research network composed of high technology integration, regional distribution network, network management intellectualization, long-term observation & experiment, multi-functional model simulations, and remote data integration and resource sharing. We elaborated on the function orientation, design philosophy, design scheme, construction objectives and technical system of the research network. We hoped provide references for the development of terrestrial ecosystem observation network in China.Dual detection, which simultaneously employs two complementary detection methods, is a useful approach to enhance the selectivity and sensitivity of capillary electrophoresis (CE). Through dual detection, multiple classes of analytes with different structural and chemical characteristics can be sensitively detected using a single CE method. In addition, the comigrating peaks can be distinguished by comparing the signal outputs of two detectors with different selectivities. Typically, dual detection is achieved by coupling two detectors in series along a capillary. However, in this approach, it is inconvenient to evaluate the signal outputs of the two detectors. The two detectors present differences in their corresponding effective capillary lengths and dead volumes of the detection cell. Therefore, detectors that combine two or three detection methods in a single detection point are proposed to address this issue. In this work, to fabricate a combined detector in a simple and low-cost manner, multimaterial 3Dctrolyte as a compromise of C4D signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and separation efficiencies of amino acids. The C4D excitation frequency was set to 77 kHz with S/N=233±8 for 200 μmol/L Na +. The baseline separation of Na+, K+, Li+, FITC, fluorescein, histidine (His), lysine (Lys), tryptophan (Trp), phenylalanine (Phe), alanine (Ala), and glycine (Gly) was achieved with a 25 μm i.d.×365 μm o.d.×45 cm (35 cm effective length) capillary and -10 kV separation voltage. The limits of detection (LODs) of C 4D for Na+, K+, and Li+were 2.2, 2.0, and 2.6 μmol/L, respectively. The LODs of LIF for fluorescein and FITC were 7.6 and 1.7 nmol/L, respectively. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the two detection methods were within the range of 0.3%-4.5% (n=3). The r 2 of the calibration curves was ≥0.9904. Thus, 3D printing technology is a simple and low-cost approach to implement complex designs, including those that are difficult to fabricate by traditional "workshop" technologies.Cyanogen chloride (ClCN) has been widely used in industrial production. ClCN is also listed in the Schedule of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The use of traditional colorimetric analysis or gas chromatography for the detection of ClCN has been characterized by low efficiency and poor sensitivity. In this study, a method was established for the qualitative analysis and quantitative detection of ClCN in organic and water matrices by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) based on thiol derivatization. 1-Butylthiol was selected as the optimal derivatization reagent. The optimal temperature for thiol derivatization in the organic matrices was 40 ℃ and the reaction time was 10 min. The pH for derivatization was approximately 9. The ClCN in the organic matrices was directly analyzed by GC-MS after derivatization. The conditions of ClCN derivatization in the water matrices were the same as those in the organic matrices. After the derivatization of ClCN, headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) w.6%-102.2%, respectively. The corresponding relative standard deviations (RSDs, n=6) were 2.1%-4.7% and 2.8%-4.2%. The derivatization method established in this study showed good reaction specificity. The method was successfully applied in the analysis of samples obtained from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The method established in this study for the detection of ClCN showed high sensitivity and precision, and could aid in the analysis and detection of ClCN in the environment.To strengthen regulation for mitigating the risk posed by petroleum contaminants in soil, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China has classified petroleum hydrocarbons as a key monitoring item for regulatory contamination monitoring. Petroleum is principally derived from petroleum and synthetic fuels, which contain an extremely high content of hydrocarbon compounds that have varied boiling points. These compounds are chemically classified primarily as saturated and aromatic. Aromatic hydrocarbons are typically highly alkylated monocyclic, bicyclic, and polycyclic, which are more toxic to human and animal life than saturated hydrocarbons. Because of the significant toxicological differences among the various hydrocarbons, it is difficult to accurately assess their environmental toxicity by only determining the total content of petroleum in soil. However, there are no analytical methods for the simultaneous determination of saturated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons in sodemonstrated in this study, can be used for the simultaneous determination of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. The source of hydrocarbon contamination can also be preliminarily identified by chromatographic analysis.Phenoxy acid herbicides are widely used because of their excellent efficiency and low cost. selleck However, owing to their strong polarity and water solubility, these herbicides do not degrade easily in a water environment and persist for a long time in water bodies. These herbicides readily enter water bodies via surface runoff, infiltration, and other migration routes, thus affecting water quality safety. Therefore, it is of great significance to establish a sensitive and simple method for the quantitative analysis of phenoxy acid herbicides in environmental water. Given the low concentration of such contaminants in environmental water, appropriate detection methods are important. Ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) has high sensitivity and accuracy, thus being well suited for the phenoxy acid herbicides analysis. Sample preparation techniques are also important for the extraction and enrichment of contaminants in environmental water. Dispersive solid phase extraction (DSPs the advantages of simplicity, rapidity, and sensitivity, and it is suitable for the detection of the seven phenoxy acid herbicides in environmental water.Domoic acid (DA) can poison or even be fatal to marine mammals, and poses a potential risk to human health via transmission through the food chain. The level of DA in seawater will affect the safety of seafood. Therefore, a powerful method for the detection of DA in seawater, especially in the coastal mariculture zone, is needed. In order to identify different concentration levels of DA in real seawater, in this study, a method was established for the determination of trace DA in seawater by SPE-LC-MS/MS. First, the LC-MS/MS instrument and sample pretreatment conditions were optimized. Subsequently, DA was separated on a 5 TC-C18 (2) analytical column (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm), and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) was conducted in the positive electrospray ionization mode. For off-line SPE, the HLB cartridge could enrich DA in seawater. The best enrichment of DA was obtained after adding 0.32 mL formic acid to an 80.0 mL seawater sample. Four on-line SPE columns from Agilent, namely, 5 TC-C18(2) (12.5 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm), Zorbax Eclipse Plus-C18 (12.