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Phosphorus (P) loss from soil may trigger freshwater eutrophication and endanger supply with drinking water regionally. Selleck Liproxstatin-1 The present paper aims at encouraging discussion and development of sophisticated strategies for risk assessment of P loss from soils of riparian buffer zones (RBZ) as a prerequisite for targeted and effective mitigation of such P losses and their effects on freshwater eutrophication. We use data from a case study on RBZ soils in Germany to compare the performance of different environmental indicators of a risk for P loss from soil. Our data suggest that RBZ soils are temporarily sinks or sources for P. The spatial hotspots of P loss are the topsoils and the deep P stocks (labile P enriched in RBZ subsoils below on average 87.5 cm depth). We discuss four aspects to be considered conceptually and methodologically in the assessment of a risk for P loss from RBZ soils (1) spatial heterogeneity and spatial bias; (2) temporal heterogeneity and temporal bias; (3) conceptual bias caused by different dynamics of individual P fractions; and (4) adequacy of threshold values. To minimize bias, we propose to assess risk for P loss from RBZ soils using a geospatial, temporally resolved sampling strategy, site-specific or regional threshold values, and a P fractionation approach. For this purpose, we introduce PdHCl as a risk indicator, which is not susceptible to very short-term dynamics (in contrast to water-soluble P).The influence of photo-oxidation on the quantification of isotactic polypropylene by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Pyr-GC/MS) was assessed. Beads (oval shape, ~5 mm) and fragments (irregular shaped, 250-50 μm and 500-1000 μm) were subjected to relatively harsh simulated accelerated weathering conditions (using a filtered xenon-arc reproducing sunlight's full spectrum) for up to 37 and 80 days, respectively. Samples collected (n = 10 replicates for each treatment) at increasing number of weathering days were analysed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR), scanning electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry in order to assess the extent and the rate of degradation. The rate of surface oxidation occurred faster for fragments compared to beads, probably due to their higher surface area. Quantification of the polypropylene trimer (2,4-dimethyl-1-heptene) via double shot Pyr-GC/MS, showed that the signal of the trimer relative to the mass of polypropylene was reduced through weathering with a degradation rate of 13 faster for fragments over beads. Signal reduction and carbonyl index were correlated to show that polypropylene with a carbonyl index of ≥13 has a significantly reduced 2,4-dimethyl-1-heptene signal when compared to virgin material. Consequently, the quantification of polypropylene subjected to weathering under harsh conditions may be underestimated by 42% (fragments, carbonyl index 18) to 49% (beads, carbonyl index 30) when quantified by Pyr-GC/MS and using virgin polypropylene calibration standards. Pyrolysis at a lower temperature (350 °C) identified six degradation specific markers (oxidation products) that increased in concentration with weathering. Further comparisons between virgin and weathered microplastics may need to be considered to avoid underestimation of microplastic concentrations in future studies.4-Epianhydrotetracycline (4-EATC) is a major intermediate product of tetracycline during its degradation progress in the natural environment, which is frequently detected in aquatic environments and poses a potential threat to aquatic organisms. In the present study, the ecotoxicity of 4-EATC have been studied from the perspective of oxidative stress by using zebrafish embryos. link2 After 96 h exposure, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations and protein carbonyl (PC) contents in zebrafish embryos in the lower-concentration 4-EATC treatment groups (1.25 mg/L and 2.50 mg/L) showed no significant differences compared with the negative control group. However, the total superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was increased significantly. After exposed to the higher-concentration of 4-EATC (5.00, 10.0 and 20.0 mg/L) resulted in a significant increase in ROS levels, MDA concentrations and PC contents, in contrast, a significant decrease in SOD activities. The results indicate that exposure to high concentrations of 4-EATC (5.00, 10.0 and 20.0 mg/L) could disrupt the redox equilibrium in zebrafish embryos, leading to the occurrence of oxidative damage. Apoptosis of the embryonic cells could be induced by 4-EATC exposure at different concentration and the rate of apoptosis enhanced with the increase of 4-EATC concentration. The pericardium was the most frequent site of apoptosis. The present study points out that more attention should be paid to the potential ecological risks of antibiotic degradation products.Tsunamis and hurricanes are two earth surface processes that can dramatically impact coastal landforms and ecosystems. This study uses a combination of palynological, grain-size, X-ray fluorescence, and loss-on-ignition analyses, short-lived isotopic and radiocarbon dating, and statistical analysis to differentiate the tsunami and hurricane deposits, establish a Late-Holocene record of extreme events, and document the landscape and vegetation transformation in response to disturbance events and environmental changes from a small coastal lagoon in Baja California, Mexico. Prior to ~530 cal yr BP, Playa Los Cocos was occupied by a short-hydroperiod tidal marsh bounded by desert vegetation on the surrounding hillslopes. At ~530 cal yr BP, a tsunami created a backbarrier lagoon and introduced mangrove propagules from other coastal localities, and the lagoonal environment and substrates also provided suitable habitats for red mangroves to proliferate. Once established, red mangrove populations rapidly expanded unt coastal environment.In the process of rapid urbanization, the decline in ecosystems' physical supply value is a direct result of the increasing demands of human development. The ecosystem services value combined with supply and demand factors can be used to obtain the ecosystem services scarcity value (ESSV). These ecosystems with larger ESSVs warrant increased protection, or at the very least a development plan to ensure a balance between their continued existence and human usage. However, urbanization and other developmental effects have often caused the ESSV of those regions to be disregarded, which produces an imbalance in the ecosystem. This paper evaluated the spatial differentiation of ESSV based on heterogeneous units in the Yuebei region, China. Then, a spatial response analysis of the ESSV to urbanization according to the spatial correlation model and Getis-Ord Gi* was conducted. The results showed that the ecosystem service physical supply value declined due to urban sprawl in 1990-2015, but the ESSV increased sharply during the same time with its acceleration being particularly strong after 2000. Areas with higher ESSV were concentrated in the northern region due to a higher prevalence of woodland. Urbanization accelerated significantly after 2000, and it is found that similar tendencies of ESSV and urbanization occurred over the same period. Surprisingly, the ESSV was negatively correlated with urbanization in local regions, and their interaction continued to increase over time. The spatial hotspot map of the ESSV and urbanization also formed an opposite pattern. In addition, the grid number of High-Low and Low-High types is more than half of the total number of aggregated grids. According to the results, understanding the variation in the ESSV clearly due to urbanization and identifying their interaction in local regions can provide a more specific direction for future resource adjustment and ecosystem service improvements.Metformin, a high-consumed pharmaceutical for diabetes, has been reported to generate carcinogenic nitroso-dimethylamine (NDMA) during treatment of its containing wastewater. However, whether it would produce NDMA during ozonation or not is unclear, let alone discriminate roles of ozone (O3) and hydroxyl radicals (OH). In this paper, effects of ozonation on NDMA formation from metformin were investigated, roles of O3 and OH were also distinguished by adding tert-butyl alcohol (tBA) as OH scavenger. Moreover, various influencing factors and reaction mechanisms were demonstrated. The results indicated that NDMA could be directly formed from metformin during ozonation, the addition of OH scavenger significantly enhanced its formation (0-46.2 ng/L vs 0-139.1 ng/L). The formation of NDMA by O3 and OH was more affected by bromide and HCO3- than those with only O3; while the impacts of pH and sulphate on the latter were more notable. No matter without/with tBA in the solution, the formed NDMA during ozonation of metformin increased with raising pH (from 5 to 9) and achieved the maximum 69.6 ng/L and 235.9 ng/L at pH 9, respectively; small amount of bromide (0.1 μM) promoted NDMA production, high levels of bromide (10 μM) inhibited its formation; the existence of HCO3- enhanced the amounts of NDMA from 44.5 to 73.5 ng/L (raised by 65.2%) by O3 and OH and from 102.9 to 130 ng/L with only O3 (raised by 26.3%); with the addition of sulphate, NDMA concentration raised by 43.8% by O3 and OH, while the value was high up to 134.6% with only O3. Based on the result of UPLC-Q-TOF and density functional theory, the oxidation intermediates were identified and possible transformation pathways of metformin during ozonation were proposed. The findings in this paper would provide reference when treating metformin-containing water in future.Aquaculture plays a pivotal role in covering dietary animal protein demands and restocking endangered fish populations. However, high mortality takes place at the earliest life stages prior and immediately after hatching. Improving growth and health parameters by immunostimulants is widely used in older fish, but rarely studied in larvae. Fulvic acids (FAs) are natural substances found in soil and water. Using zebrafish as a model organism, we evaluated the effects of exposure to a FA at concentrations ranging from 1 to 500 mg C/L (mg dissolved organic carbon per liter) on embryonic development. Furthermore, the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside the larvae as well as the molecular mechanisms involved in growth, immune response, and antioxidative protection were determined at 5, 50, and 500 mg C/L. 20 to 200 mg C/L accelerated the hatching, which was mediated by increased expression of ifg-1, gh, and he1-α. link3 Furthermore, lyz and mpx were significantly increased at 5 and 50 mg C/L. A concentration of 500 mg C/L induced genes involved in the protection against ROS (nrf-2, keap-1, cat, sod-1), increased the concentration of ROS inside the larvae and caused tissue damage and mortality. Interestingly, 50 mg C/L activated ROS protection as well (nrf-2, sod-2), while no increase of ROS was found in the larvae. Our results show, that FA at low to medium concentrations can increase the health of larvae, but becomes detrimental at higher concentrations.