Persistent inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy changing to principal CNS lymphoma

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Site-directed mutagenesis studies focused on the arginine cage validate the identity of the allosteric site and provide an effective means to modulate the allosteric properties of the enzyme, from the loosening of the allosteric coupling (in the R23L/R24L and R23L/R215L variants) to the complete loss of allosteric properties (in the R23L/R24L/R21L variant).The intrinsically disordered human protein α-synuclein (αSN) can self-associate into oligomers and amyloid fibrils. Several lines of evidence suggest that oligomeric αSN is cytotoxic, making it important to devise strategies to either prevent oligomer formation and/or inhibit the ensuing toxicity. (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has emerged as a molecular modulator of αSN self-assembly, as it reduces the flexibility of the C-terminal region of αSN in the oligomer and inhibits the oligomer's ability to perturb phospholipid membranes and induce cell death. However, a detailed structural and kinetic characterization of this interaction is still lacking. Here, we use liquid-state NMR spectroscopy to investigate how EGCG interacts with monomeric and oligomeric forms of αSN. We find that EGCG can bind to all parts of monomeric αSN but exhibits highest affinity for the N-terminal region. Monomeric αSN binds ∼54 molecules of EGCG in total during oligomerization. Furthermore, kinetic data suggest that EGCG dimerization is coupled with the αSN association reaction. In contrast, preformed oligomers only bind ∼7 EGCG molecules per protomer, in agreement with the more compact nature of the oligomer compared with the natively unfolded monomer. In previously conducted cell assays, as little as 0.36 EGCG per αSN reduce oligomer toxicity by 50%. Our study thus demonstrates that αSN cytotoxicity can be inhibited by small molecules at concentrations at least an order of magnitude below full binding capacity. We speculate this is due to cooperative binding of protein-stabilized EGCG dimers, which in turn implies synergy between protein association and EGCG dimerization.Light-chain amyloidosis (AL) is a fatal disorder wherein the immunoglobulin light chain misfolds and aggregates, leading to amyloid plaques in various organs. Patient-specific mutations in the light chain variable domain (VL) are tightly linked to amyloidosis, but how these mutations drive AL is unknown. In recent work, Rottenaicher et al. analyze five mutations found in the VL of a patient with cardiac AL. Their data suggest that decreased VL stability and increased flexibility in the core of the VL, caused by mutations outside of this core, could be key to aggregation and highlight the delicate balancing act required for antibody maturation to enable antigen recognition while not altering protein biophysics.Deletion of c-Src, a ubiquitously expressed tyrosine kinase, results in osteoclast dysfunction and osteopetrosis, in which bones harden into "stone." In contrast, deletion of the genes encoding other members of the Src family kinase (SFK) fails to produce an osteopetrotic phenotype. This suggests that c-Src performs a unique function in the osteoclast that cannot be compensated for by other SFKs. selleck chemical We aimed to identify the molecular basis of this unique role in osteoclasts and bone resorption. We found that c-Src, Lyn, and Fyn were the most highly expressed SFKs in WT osteoclasts, whereas Hck, Lck, Blk, and Fgr displayed low levels of expression. Formation of the podosome belt, clusters of unique actin assemblies, was disrupted in src-/- osteoclasts; introduction of constitutively activated SFKs revealed that only c-Src and Fyn could restore this process. To identify the key structural domains responsible, we constructed chimeric Src-Hck and Src-Lyn constructs in which the unique, SH3, SH2, or catalytic domains had been swapped. link2 We found that the Src unique, SH3, and kinase domains were each crucial to establish Src functionality. The SH2 domain could however be substituted with Lyn or Hck SH2 domains. Furthermore, we demonstrate that c-Src's functionality is, in part, derived from an SH3-proximal proline-rich domain interaction with c-Cbl, leading to phosphorylation of c-Cbl Tyr700. These data help clarify Src's unique functionality in the organization of the cytoskeleton in osteoclasts, required for efficient bone resorption and explain why c-Src cannot be replaced, in osteoclasts, by other SFKs.K+-Cl- cotransporters (KCCs) play important roles in physiological processes such as inhibitory neurotransmission and cell-volume regulation. KCCs exhibit significant variations in K+ affinities, yet recent atomic structures demonstrated that K+- and Cl--binding sites are highly conserved, raising the question of whether additional structural elements may contribute to ion coordination. link3 The termini and the large extracellular domain (ECD) of KCCs exhibit only low sequence identity and were already discussed as modulators of transport activity. Here, we used the extracellular loop 2 (EL2) that links transmembrane helices (TMs) 3 and 4, as a mechanism to modulate ECD folding. We compared consequences of point mutations in the K+-binding site on the function of WT KCC2 and in a KCC2 variant, in which EL2 was structurally altered by insertion of a IFYPYDVPDYAGYPYDVPDYAGSYPYDVPDYAAHAAA (3xHA) tag (36 amino acids). In WT KCC2, individual mutations of five residues in the K+-binding site resulted in a 2- to 3-fold decreased transport rate. However, the same mutations in the KCC2 variant with EL2 structurally altered by insertion of a 3xHA tag had no effect on transport activity. Homology models of mouse KCC2 with the 3xHA tag inserted into EL2 using ab initio prediction were generated. The models suggest subtle conformational changes occur in the ECD upon EL2 modification. These data suggest that a conformational change in the ECD, for example, by interaction with EL2, might be an elegant way to modulate the K+ affinity of the different isoforms in the KCC subfamily.Marburg virus (MARV) is a lipid-enveloped virus harboring a negative-sense RNA genome, which has caused sporadic outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fever in sub-Saharan Africa. MARV assembles and buds from the host cell plasma membrane where MARV matrix protein (mVP40) dimers associate with anionic lipids at the plasma membrane inner leaflet and undergo a dynamic and extensive self-oligomerization into the structural matrix layer. The MARV matrix layer confers the virion filamentous shape and stability but how host lipids modulate mVP40 oligomerization is mostly unknown. Using in vitro and cellular techniques, we present a mVP40 assembly model highlighting two distinct oligomerization interfaces the (N-terminal domain [NTD] and C-terminal domain [CTD]) in mVP40. Cellular studies of NTD and CTD oligomerization interface mutants demonstrate the importance of each interface in matrix assembly. The assembly steps include protein trafficking to the plasma membrane, homo-multimerization that induced protein enrichment, plasma membrane fluidity changes, and elongations at the plasma membrane. An ascorbate peroxidase derivative (APEX)-transmission electron microscopy method was employed to closely assess the ultrastructural localization and formation of viral particles for wildtype mVP40 and NTD and CTD oligomerization interface mutants. Taken together, these studies present a mechanistic model of mVP40 oligomerization and assembly at the plasma membrane during virion assembly that requires interactions with phosphatidylserine for NTD-NTD interactions and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate for proper CTD-CTD interactions. These findings have broader implications in understanding budding of lipid-enveloped viruses from the host cell plasma membrane and potential strategies to target protein-protein or lipid-protein interactions to inhibit virus budding.Thousands of proteins have been found to be modified by O-GlcNAc, a common glycosylation modification of serine and threonine residues throughout the cytosol and nucleus. O-GlcNAc is enzymatically added and removed from proteins, making it a potential dynamic regulator of cell signaling. However, compared with other posttranslational modifications like phosphorylation, relatively few O-GlcNAc-regulated pathways have been discovered and biochemically characterized. We previously discovered one such pathway, where O-GlcNAc controls the contraction of fibroblasts initiated by the signaling lipid sphingosine-1-phosphate. Specifically, we found that O-GlcNAc modification of the phosphatase MYPT1 maintains its activity, resulting in dephosphorylation and deactivation of the myosin light chain of the actinomyosin complex. Another signaling lipid that leads to contraction of fibroblasts is lysophosphatidic acid, and this signaling pathway also converges on MYPT1 and actinomyosin. We therefore rationalized that O-GlcNAc would also control this pathway. Here, we used a combination of small molecule inhibitors, 2D and 3D cell cultures, and biochemistry to confirm our hypothesis. Specifically, we found that O-GlcNAc levels control the sensitivity of mouse and primary human dermal fibroblasts to lysophosphatidic acid-induced contraction in culture and the phosphorylation of MLC and that MYPT1 O-GlcNAc modification is responsible. These findings further solidify the importance of O-GlcNAc in regulating the biology of fibroblasts in response to procontractile stimuli.Many older adults are struggling with understanding spoken language, particularly when background noise interferes with comprehension. In the present study, we investigated a potential interaction between two well-known factors associated with greater speech-in-noise (SiN) reception thresholds in older adults, namely a) lower working memory capacity and b) age-related structural decline of frontal lobe regions. In a sample of older adults (N = 25) and younger controls (N = 13) with normal pure-tone thresholds, SiN reception thresholds and working memory capacity were assessed. Furthermore, T1-weighted structural MR-images were recorded to analyze neuroanatomical traits (i.e., cortical thickness (CT) and cortical surface area (CSA)) of the cortex. As expected, the older group showed greater SiN reception thresholds compared to the younger group. We also found consistent age-related atrophy (i.e., lower CT) in brain regions associated with SiN recognition, namely the superior temporal lobe bilaterally, the right inferior frontal and precentral gyrus, as well as the left superior frontal gyrus. Those older participants with greater atrophy in these brain regions showed greater SiN reception thresholds. Interestingly, the association between CT in the left superior frontal gyrus and SiN reception thresholds was moderated by individual working memory capacity. Older adults with greater working memory capacity benefitted more strongly from thicker frontal lobe regions leading to better SiN recognition. Overall, our results fit well into the literature showing that age-related structural decline in auditory- and cognition-related brain areas is associated with greater SiN reception thresholds in older adults. However, we highlight that this association changes as a function of individual working memory capacity. We therefore believe that future interventions to improve SiN recognition in older adults should take into account the role of the frontal lobe as well as individual working memory capacity.