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This is an indication that ANM may be somewhat facultative in response to the likelihood of pregnancy. © 2020 The Authors.Remoras are fishes that piggyback onto larger marine fauna via an adhesive disc to increase locomotor efficiency, likelihood of finding mates and access to prey. Attaching rapidly to a large, fast-moving host is no easy task, and while research to date has focused on how the disc supports adhesion, no attention has been paid to how or if remoras are able to sense attachment. We identified push-rod-like mechanoreceptor complexes embedded in the soft lip of the remora adhesive disc that are known in other organisms to respond to touch and shear forces. This is, to our knowledge, the first time such mechanoreceptor complexes are described in fishes as they were only known previously in monotremes. The presence of push-rod-like mechanoreceptor complexes suggests not only that fishes may be able to sense their environment in ways not heretofore described but that specialized tactile mechanoreceptor complexes may be a more basal vertebrate feature than previously thought. © 2020 The Authors.In the area of computer vision, deep learning techniques have recently been used to predict whether urban scenes are likely to be considered beautiful it turns out that these techniques are able to make accurate predictions. Yet they fall short when it comes to generating actionable insights for urban design. To support urban interventions, one needs to go beyond predicting beauty, and tackle the challenge of recreating beauty. Unfortunately, deep learning techniques have not been designed with that challenge in mind. Given their 'black-box nature', these models cannot be directly used to explain why a particular urban scene is deemed to be beautiful. To partly fix that, we propose a deep learning framework (which we name FaceLift) that is able to both beautify existing urban scenes (Google Street Views) and explain which urban elements make those transformed scenes beautiful. Selleck VcMMAE To quantitatively evaluate our framework, we cannot resort to any existing metric (as the research problem at hand has never been tackled before) and need to formulate new ones. These new metrics should ideally capture the presence (or absence) of elements that make urban spaces great. Upon a review of the urban planning literature, we identify five main metrics walkability, green spaces, openness, landmarks and visual complexity. We find that, across all the five metrics, the beautified scenes meet the expectations set by the literature on what great spaces tend to be made of. This result is further confirmed by a 20-participant expert survey in which FaceLift has been found to be effective in promoting citizen participation. All this suggests that, in the future, as our framework's components are further researched and become better and more sophisticated, it is not hard to imagine technologies that will be able to accurately and efficiently support architects and planners in the design of the spaces we intuitively love. © 2020 The Authors.The mechanical response of single cells and tissues exhibits a broad distribution of time-scales that often gives rise to a distinctive power-law rheology. Such complex behaviour cannot be easily captured by traditional rheological approaches, making material characterisation and predictive modelling very challenging. Here, we present a novel model combining conventional viscoelastic elements with fractional calculus that successfully captures the macroscopic relaxation response of epithelial monolayers. The parameters extracted from the fitting of the relaxation modulus allow prediction of the response of the same material to slow stretch and creep, indicating that the model captured intrinsic material properties. Two characteristic times, derived from the model parameters, delimit different regimes in the materials response. We compared the response of tissues with the behaviour of single cells as well as intra and extra-cellular components, and linked the power-law behaviour of the epithelium to the dynamics of the cell cortex. Such a unified model for the mechanical response of biological materials provides a novel and robust mathematical approach to consistently analyse experimental data and uncover similarities and differences in reported behaviour across experimental methods and research groups. It also sets the foundations for more accurate computational models of tissue mechanics. © 2020 The Authors.During human walking, the centre of mass (COM) laterally oscillates, regularly transitioning its position above the two alternating support limbs. To maintain upright forward-directed walking, lateral COM excursion should remain within the base of support, on average. As necessary, humans can modify COM motion through various methods, including foot placement. How the nervous system controls these oscillations and the costs associated with control are not fully understood. To examine how lateral COM motions are controlled, healthy participants walked in a 'Movement Amplification' force field that increased lateral COM momentum in a manner dependent on the participant's own motion (forces were applied to the pelvis proportional to and in the same direction as lateral COM velocity). We hypothesized that metabolic cost to control lateral COM motion would increase with the gain of the field. In the Movement Amplification field, participants were significantly less stable than during baseline walking. Stability significantly decreased as the field gain increased. Participants also modified gait patterns, including increasing step width, which increased the metabolic cost of transport as the field gain increased. These results support previous research suggesting that humans modulate foot placement to control lateral COM motion, incurring a metabolic cost. © 2020 The Authors.Lameness in sheep is the biggest cause of concern regarding poor health and welfare among sheep-producing countries. Best practice for lameness relies on rapid treatment, yet there are no objective measures of lameness detection. Accelerometers and gyroscopes have been widely used in human activity studies and their use is becoming increasingly common in livestock. In this study, we used 23 datasets (10 non-lame and 13 lame sheep) from an accelerometer- and gyroscope-based ear sensor with a sampling frequency of 16 Hz to develop and compare algorithms that can differentiate lameness within three different activities (walking, standing and lying). We show for the first time that features extracted from accelerometer and gyroscope signals can differentiate between lame and non-lame sheep while standing, walking and lying. The random forest algorithm performed best for classifying lameness with an accuracy of 84.91% within lying, 81.15% within standing and 76.83% within walking and overall correctly classified over 80% sheep within activities.