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Development of non-pharmacological interventions to improve disrupted rest-activity patterns and disturbed behavior in people with dementia is an important research goal. Here we report a proof-of-concept study which evaluates the effect and applicability of a dynamic light intervention to improve rest-activity patterns in cognitively impaired, institutionalized, older adults. The study was a randomized, open-label, proof-of-concept trial of limited sample size conducted at a nursing home for older adults in a non-metropolitan area in Denmark. Participants were 24 older nursing home residents with cognitive deficiencies. Equipment for delivery of a specialized dynamic light intervention was installed in the private apartments (within the nursing home) of the residents in the experimental group (N = 12). Study duration was four weeks. The control group (N = 12) was exposed to conventional lighting. We measured activity and rest using actigraphy, functional disability, behavioral disturbances, and time in bed We performed regression analyses to examine differences between the intervention groups. Participants in the experimental group partially improved on one of three diurnal rhythm variables, but otherwise no differences were observed between the two intervention groups. The improvement was found for the intradaily variability during the first part of the intervention period indicating a more stable and less fragmented 24-h rest-activity rhythm. However, availability of staff assistance in response to impaired physical mobility of the residents seemed to be a stronger determinant of activity level and pattern. The examined intervention showed promising results but did not consistently alter circadian rest-activity patterns in older nursing home residents given the current sample size. Future studies in the field need to consider real-life applicability of the experimental intervention and the interaction and importance of other important zeitgebers than light.
To report a case of iris epithelium detachment following NdYAG laser capsulotomy.
We describe the case of an 81 year old woman who developed hyphema and detachment of the iris epithelium following standard NdYAG laser capsulotomy. Selleckchem Navitoclax The detachment was readily visualized using anterior segment OCT. The hyphema was managed with topical atropine and steroids. The detachment itself was left untreated.
No persisting subjective complaints or effect on visual function were noted. To our knowledge, this complication represents a novel observation
No persisting subjective complaints or effect on visual function were noted. To our knowledge, this complication represents a novel observation.
To report an unusual case of congenital bilateral abnormality due to coexisting ocular toxoplasmosis and retinopathy of prematurity.
A prematurely born baby with bilateral retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (one eye treated) was found to have a hyperpigmented torpedo maculopathy lesion in one eye while the other eye presented with microphthalmia, congenital cataract and non-specific pigmentary retinopathy. Following negative TORCH screening, laboratory tests subsequently revealed increased plasma IgG and IgM for toxoplasmosis.
We present an unusual case of coexistence of congenital ocular toxoplasmosis with torpedo maculopathy and retinopathy of prematurity.
We present an unusual case of coexistence of congenital ocular toxoplasmosis with torpedo maculopathy and retinopathy of prematurity.To report a case of a 20-year-old woman who developed massive and progressive corneal remodeling in both eyes after bilateral PRK with mitomycin and CXL as an elective refractive procedure for mild keratoconus. The patient had 6 years of follow up, initially presenting with focal steepening of up to 20 diopters on both eyes one-and-a-half- years postoperatively that spontaneously reversed over the next five years while the high order aberrations worsened. At the present time, the patient depends on bilateral scleral contact lenses for her day-to-day activities. The use of combined elective PRK with mitomycin and prophylactic CXL could lead to progressive corneal deformation. Additional reports would help to establish the role of this combination procedure among the armamentarium to visually rehabilitate patients with keratoconus.
Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) is a rare opportunistic infection with a high mortality despite relevant treatment.
A 3-year-old girl under treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed periorbital swelling, ophthalmoplegia and a necrotic palatal lesion during a period of neutropenia. Imaging revealed sinusitis, pre- and postseptal cellulitis. The disease later progressed to cerebral involvement and orbital apex syndrome with complete ophthalmoplegia, ptosis and loss of vision. The patient was treated with systemic antifungal therapy, hyperbaric oxygen and extensive surgery. This included orbital exenteration, skull base resection, cerebral debridement with placement of an Ommaya reservoir for intrathecal administrations of amphotericin B (AmB) and in addition endoscopic sinus surgery with local AmB installation. Chemotherapy was safely continued after resolution of the ROCM and the patient remains in complete remission after 5 years.
Patients with ROCM can be cured with aggressive multimodality treatment, including surgical intervention, even if in myelosuppression.
Patients with ROCM can be cured with aggressive multimodality treatment, including surgical intervention, even if in myelosuppression.Sleep disturbances and insomnia are common among breast cancer survivors, and can have a significant effect on quality of life and numerous other significant outcomes. Among risks for sleep disturbance is the introduction of anti-estrogen endocrine therapies. The possible contributing factors to sleep disturbance in endocrine therapy are complex, and include pre-existing sleep disorders, the effects of chemotherapy and other treatments, and concurrent symptoms such as hot flashes. In addition, sleep disturbance in menopause, the natural downregulation of reproductive hormones in older age, is a common occurrence, and can offer a model for understanding the high prevalence of sleep problems in breast cancer survivors on endocrine therapy, as well as suggesting possible treatments such as behavioral interventions and pharmaceuticals. Altogether, significantly more research is needed to better understand and address sleep disturbance in breast cancer survivors on endocrine therapy in order to support quality of life and treatment adherence.