Irreversible deformation regarding hypercrosslinked polymers right after hydrogen adsorption

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The two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to study the motion of two interacting particles with different densities (ρ_1 and ρ_2) and diameters (d_1 and d_2), which were placed in a vertical channel under gravity. Both the density ratio (λ=ρ_2/ρ_1) and diameter ratio (r=d_2/d_1) between the particles were considered. The transition boundaries between the regime where the particles settle separately and the regime where the particles interact are identified by λ_max(r) and λ_min(r); they exhibit excellent power-law relationships with r. A pattern of horizontal oscillatory motion (HOM), characterized by a structure with a large (but light) particle right above a small (but heavy) one and strong oscillations of both particles in the horizontal direction, was revealed for r∼0.3 at intermediate Reynolds numbers. The results indicate that the magnitude of oscillations decreases with λ, whereas the frequency displays the opposite trend. A sudden increase in the terminal velocity of particles is seen, illustrating a transition from the classical pattern of drafting, kissing, and tumbling to the HOM at a certain λ. Upon increasing λ, the pattern of HOM may bifurcate into a vertical steady state at low Re or small r. Furthermore, the effects of the confinement ratio and particle-to-fluid density ratio were also examined. The existence of a critical confinement ratio is observed, beyond which the particles interact in a different manner.Icing is a severe problem for many technical systems such as aircraft or systems for high-voltage power transmission and distribution. Ice nucleation in water droplets is affected by several influencing factors like impurities or the liquid temperature, which have been widely investigated. However, although an electric field affects nucleation, this influence has been far less investigated and is still not completely understood. The present work is focused on the influence of high alternating electric fields on ice nucleation in sessile water droplets, which is examined for a systematic variation of the electric field frequency and strength. All experiments used to determine the influence of a single parameter like the electric field strength or frequency are performed with the same set of droplets to ensure well-defined conditions and a high repeatability of the procedure. For each parameter variation a large number of nucleation events is observed and analyzed. Droplet survival curves and the nucleation site density are used to analyze the experiments and to determine the influence of the electric field on ice nucleation. Especially for high electric field strengths, a significant influence on nucleation is observed. Some droplets freeze earlier, which leads to a higher median nucleation temperature. On the other hand, the lowest temperature required to freeze all droplets is almost constant compared to the reference case without an electric field. It is shown that not all droplets are affected by the electric field in the same way, but the influence of the electric field on ice nucleation is rather of singular nature. In addition, the frequency of the applied electric field has an impact on the nucleation behavior. The present experimental data quantitatively demonstrate the effect of an electric field on ice nucleation and improves our understanding of heterogeneous nucleation of supercooled water subjected to high alternating electric fields.Monolayers of anisotropic cells exhibit long-ranged orientational order and topological defects. During the development of organisms, orientational order often influences morphogenetic events. However, the linkage between the mechanics of cell monolayers and topological defects remains largely unexplored. This holds specifically at the timescales relevant for tissue morphogenesis. Here, we build on the physics of liquid crystals to determine material parameters of cell monolayers. In particular, we use a hydrodynamical description of an active polar fluid to study the steady-state mechanical patterns at integer topological defects. Our description includes three distinct sources of activity traction forces accounting for cell-substrate interactions as well as anisotropic and isotropic active nematic stresses accounting for cell-cell interactions. We apply our approach to C2C12 cell monolayers in small circular confinements, which form isolated aster or spiral topological defects. By analyzing the velocity and orientational order fields in spirals as well as the forces and cell number density fields in asters, we determine mechanical parameters of C2C12 cell monolayers. Our work shows how topological defects can be used to fully characterize the mechanical properties of biological active matter.The first Kelvin relation, which states the Peltier coefficient should be equal to the product of temperature and Seebeck coefficient, is a fundamental principle in thermoelectricity. IACS-010759 It has been regarded as an important application and direct experimental verification of the Onsager reciprocal relation (ORR) that is a cornerstone of irreversible thermodynamics. However, some critical questions still remain (a) why Kelvin's proof-which omits all irreversibility within a thermoelectric transport process-can reach the correct result, (b) how to properly select the generalized-force-flux pairs for deriving the first Kelvin relation from the ORR, and (c) whether the first Kelvin relation is restricted by the requirement of the linear transport regime. The aim of the present work is to answer these questions based on the fundamental thermodynamic principles. Since the thermoelectric effects are reversible, we can redefine the Seebeck and Peltier coefficients using the quantities in reversible processes with no time derivative involved; these are renamed "reversible Seebeck and Peltier coefficients." The relation between them (called "the reversible reciprocal relation of thermoelectricity") is derived from the Maxwell relations, which can be reduced to the conventional Kelvin relation, when the local equilibrium assumption (LEA) is adopted. In this sense, the validity of the first Kelvin relation is guaranteed by the reversible thermodynamic principles and the LEA, without the requirement of the linear transport process. Additionally, the generalized force-flux pairs to obtain the first Kelvin relation from the ORR can be proper both mathematically and thermodynamically, only when they correspond to the conjugate-variable pairs of which Maxwell relations can yield the reversible reciprocal relation. The present theoretical framework can be further extended to other coupled phenomena.