NTerminomics Approaches for Protease Substrates Profiling

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The entropy-based parameters determined from the electrodermal activity (EDA) biosignal evaluate the complexity within the activity of the sympathetic cholinergic system. We focused on the evaluation of the complex sympathetic cholinergic regulation by assessing EDA using conventional indices (skin conductance level (SCL), non-specific skin conductance responses, spectral EDA indices), and entropy-based parameters (approximate, sample, fuzzy, permutation, Shannon, and symbolic information entropies) in newborns during the first three days of postnatal life. The studied group consisted of 50 healthy newborns (21 boys, average gestational age 39.0 ± 0.2 weeks). EDA was recorded continuously from the feet at rest for three periods (the first day-2 h after birth, the second day-24 h after birth, and the third day-72 h after birth). Our results revealed higher SCL, spectral EDA index in a very-low frequency band, approximate, sample, fuzzy, and permutation entropy during the first compared to second and third days, while Shannon and symbolic information entropies were lower during the first day compared to other periods. In conclusion, EDA parameters seem to be sensitive in the detection of the sympathetic regulation changes in early postnatal life and which can represent an important step towards a non-invasive early diagnosis of the pathological states linked to autonomic dysmaturation in newborns.By calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two probability measures belonging to different exponential families dominated by the same measure, we obtain a formula that generalizes the ordinary Fenchel-Young divergence. Inspired by this formula, we define the duo Fenchel-Young divergence and report a majorization condition on its pair of strictly convex generators, which guarantees that this divergence is always non-negative. The duo Fenchel-Young divergence is also equivalent to a duo Bregman divergence. We show how to use these duo divergences by calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between densities of truncated exponential families with nested supports, and report a formula for the Kullback-Leibler divergence between truncated normal distributions. Finally, we prove that the skewed Bhattacharyya distances between truncated exponential families amount to equivalent skewed duo Jensen divergences.This paper proposes an H∞ observer based on descriptor systems to estimate the state of charge (SOC). The battery's open-current voltage is chosen as a generalized state variable, thereby avoiding the artificial derivative calculation of the algebraic equation for the SOC. Furthermore, the observer's dynamic performance is saved. To decrease the impacts of the uncertain noise and parameter perturbations, nonlinear H∞ theory is implemented to design the observer. The sufficient conditions for the H∞ observer to guarantee the disturbance suppression performance index are given and proved by the Lyapunov stability theory. This paper systematically gives the design steps of battery SOC H∞ observers. The simulation results highlight the accuracy, transient performance, and robustness of the presented method.We reconsider model II of Orban et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 1968, 49, 1778-1783), a two-dimensional lattice-gas system featuring a crystalline phase and two distinct fluid phases (liquid and vapor). In this system, a particle prevents other particles from occupying sites up to third neighbors on the square lattice, while attracting (with decreasing strength) particles sitting at fourth- or fifth-neighbor sites. To make the model more realistic, we assume a finite repulsion at third-neighbor distance, with the result that a second crystalline phase appears at higher pressures. However, the similarity with real-world substances is only partial Upon closer inspection, the alleged liquid-vapor transition turns out to be a continuous (albeit sharp) crossover, even near the putative triple point. CFT8634 Closer to the standard picture is instead the freezing transition, as we show by computing the free-energy barrier relative to crystal nucleation from the "liquid".An Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanism, recommended by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), increases the efficiency of network transmission. An example of this type of algorithm can be the Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm. The behavior of the RED algorithm strictly depends on the correct selection of its parameters. This selection may be performed automatically depending on the network conditions. The mechanisms that adjust their parameters to the network conditions are called the adaptive ones. The example can be the Adaptive RED (ARED) mechanism, which adjusts its parameters taking into consideration the traffic intensity. In our paper, we propose to use an additional traffic parameter to adjust the AQM parameters-degree of self-similarity-expressed using the Hurst parameter. In our study, we propose the modifications of the well-known AQM algorithms ARED and fractional order PIαDβ and the algorithms based on neural networks that are used to automatically adjust the AQM parameters using the traffic intensity and its degree of self-similarity. We use the Fluid Flow approximation and the discrete event simulation to evaluate the behavior of queues controlled by the proposed adaptive AQM mechanisms and compare the results with those obtained with their basic counterparts. In our experiments, we analyzed the average queue occupancies and packet delays in the communication node. The obtained results show that considering the degree of self-similarity of network traffic in the process of AQM parameters determination enabled us to decrease the average queue occupancy and the number of rejected packets, as well as to reduce the transmission latency.Previous measurements utilizing Maxwell relations to measure change in entropy, S, demonstrated remarkable accuracy in measuring the spin-1/2 entropy of electrons in a weakly coupled quantum dot. However, these previous measurements relied upon prior knowledge of the charge transition lineshape. This had the benefit of making the quantitative determination of entropy independent of scale factors in the measurement itself but at the cost of limiting the applicability of the approach to simple systems. To measure the entropy of more exotic mesoscopic systems, a more flexible analysis technique may be employed; however, doing so requires a precise calibration of the measurement. Here, we give details on the necessary improvements made to the original experimental approach and highlight some of the common challenges (along with strategies to overcome them) that other groups may face when attempting this type of measurement.Pressure drop, heat transfer, and energy performance of ZnO/water nanofluid with rodlike particles flowing through a curved pipe are studied in the range of Reynolds number 5000 ≤ Re ≤ 30,000, particle volume concentration 0.1% ≤ Φ ≤ 5%, Schmidt number 104 ≤ Sc ≤ 3 × 105, particle aspect ratio 2 ≤ λ ≤ 14, and Dean number 5 × 103 ≤ De ≤ 1.5 × 104. The momentum and energy equations of nanofluid, together with the equation of particle number density for particles, are solved numerically. Some results are validated by comparing with the experimental results. The effect of Re, Φ, Sc, λ, and De on the friction factor f and Nusselt number Nu is analyzed. The results showed that the values of f are increased with increases in Φ, Sc, and De, and with decreases in Re and λ. The heat transfer performance is enhanced with increases in Re, Φ, λ, and De, and with decreases in Sc. The ratio of energy PEC for nanofluid to base fluid is increased with increases in Re, Φ, λ, and De, and with decreases in Sc. Finally, the formula of ratio of energy PEC for nanofluid to base fluid as a function of Re, Φ, Sc, λ, and De is derived based on the numerical data.Recently, flow models parameterized by neural networks have been used to design efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) transition kernels. However, inefficient utilization of gradient information of the target distribution or the use of volume-preserving flows limits their performance in sampling from multi-modal target distributions. In this paper, we treat the training procedure of the parameterized transition kernels in a different manner and exploit a novel scheme to train MCMC transition kernels. We divide the training process of transition kernels into the exploration stage and training stage, which can make full use of the gradient information of the target distribution and the expressive power of deep neural networks. The transition kernels are constructed with non-volume-preserving flows and trained in an adversarial form. The proposed method achieves significant improvement in effective sample size and mixes quickly to the target distribution. Empirical results validate that the proposed method is able to achieve low autocorrelation of samples and fast convergence rates, and outperforms other state-of-the-art parameterized transition kernels in varieties of challenging analytically described distributions and real world datasets.Speaker recognition is an important classification task, which can be solved using several approaches. Although building a speaker recognition model on a closed set of speakers under neutral speaking conditions is a well-researched task and there are solutions that provide excellent performance, the classification accuracy of developed models significantly decreases when applying them to emotional speech or in the presence of interference. Furthermore, deep models may require a large number of parameters, so constrained solutions are desirable in order to implement them on edge devices in the Internet of Things systems for real-time detection. The aim of this paper is to propose a simple and constrained convolutional neural network for speaker recognition tasks and to examine its robustness for recognition in emotional speech conditions. We examine three quantization methods for developing a constrained network floating-point eight format, ternary scalar quantization, and binary scalar quantization. The results are demonstrated on the recently recorded SEAC dataset.The vulnerability of deep neural network (DNN)-based systems makes them susceptible to adversarial perturbation and may cause classification task failure. In this work, we propose an adversarial attack model using the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm to generate adversarial samples without the need for a further gradient evaluation and training of the substitute model, which can further improve the chance of task failure caused by adversarial perturbation. In untargeted attacks, the proposed method obtained 100%, 98.6%, and 90.00% success rates on the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed ABCAttack can not only obtain a high attack success rate with fewer queries in the black-box setting, but also break some existing defenses to a large extent, and is not limited by model structure or size, which provides further research directions for deep learning evasion attacks and defenses.Cognitive radios represent a real alternative to the scarcity of the radio spectrum. One of the primary tasks of these radios is the detection of possible gaps in a given bandwidth used by licensed users (called also primary users). This task, called spectrum sensing, requires high precision in determining these gaps, maximizing the probability of detection. The design of spectrum sensing algorithms also requires innovative hardware and software solutions for real-time implementations. In this work, a technique to determine possible primary users' transmissions in a wide frequency interval (multiband spectrum sensing) from the perspective of cognitive radios is presented. The proposal is implemented in a real wireless communications environment using low-cost hardware considering the sample entropy as a decision rule. To validate its feasibility for real-time implementation, a simulated scenario was first tested. Simulation and real-time implementations results were compared with the Higuchi fractal dimension as a decision rule.