Aftereffect of Metallic Nanoparticle Aggregate Structure about the Thermodynamics of Oxidative Dissolution

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26 μmol/L are associated with mortality.ConclusionAge >60 years, hypertension, DM, and coronary heart disease are the risk factors for severe illness of COVID-19. Laboratory test results associated with severe illness are serum LDH 250-500 U/L, LDH >500 U/L, and lymphopenia, whereas test results associated with mortality are CD3+CD8+ cell count ≤ 75 cell/μl, AKI stage 2 and 3, proteinuria ≥1+, hematuria ≥1+, D-dimer > 1 mg/L, peak serum creatinine > 13.26 μmol/L.
autoimmune patients can be more susceptible to infection. Proper knowledge, perception, and practices towards COVID-19 are essential for these patients during pandemic. This study aimed to know their knowledge, perception, and practices regarding COVID-19.
cross sectional study using online survey was conducted from April to May 2020. Patients with autoimmune disease were asked about demographic characteristics, diagnosis, history of treatment, knowledge, perception, and practice regarding COVID-19.
there were 685 respondents. Most of them were female and had systemic lupus erythematosus with median age of 37 years old. Almost all respondents had good knowledge regarding transmission of COVID-19 and did proper prevention practices. Adequacy of information and steroid or mycophenolate mofetil/mycophenolic acid (MMF/MPA) use were related to perception of the effect of pandemic to their own health. Visiting private clinic and receiving hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine sulfate or sulfasalazine were related tod health care facilities contributed to perception regarding COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 infection is caused by a novel coronavirus. One of the most used strategies that can be used to control the spread of COVID-19 is the 3T (test, trace, and treatment) strategy. This study aimed to evaluate the 3T strategy to control COVID-19 infection in a COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Depok, West Java, Indonesia.
this is a cross-sectional study conducted at the University of Indonesia Hospital. The study was conducted in June 2020 with 742 participants (staff members) using secondary data from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results. We presented data in the descriptive form and performed bivariate analysis using the chi-square/Fischer test for categorical data.
the PCR test results were positive in 83 (11.1%) participants, with a case-per-tracing ratio of 124 and 12 in the first and third phases of tracing, respectively. The COVID-19 case graph for the participants decreased along with the implementation of the 3T strategy. The positivity rate in the first phase of tracing was 20% and decreased to 5% in the third phase of tracing. Staff with confirmed positive test results were advised to isolate themselves (hospital or self-isolation). Hospital isolation was found to be associated with the duration of PCR test conversion (p<0.001).
the 3T strategy is effective for controlling the spread of COVID-19. The strategy should be implemented simultaneously with other health precautions to reduce the risk of spreading infection.
the 3T strategy is effective for controlling the spread of COVID-19. The strategy should be implemented simultaneously with other health precautions to reduce the risk of spreading infection.Latar BelakangSebanyak 38.6% kasus kematian pasien COVID-19 di Indonesia terjadi di populasi lansia. Data mengenai profil klinis pasien rawat inap lansia dengan COVID-19 masih tidak ada. Padahal kelompok pasien ini adalah pasien risiko tinggi selama pandemi ini yang memerlukan perhatian lebih.MetodeStudi deskriptif ini menggunakan data lengkap pasien lansia dengan COVID-19 yang dirawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo) dari April hingga akhir Agustus 2020. Data termasuk karakteristik klinis, gejala, komorbiditas, multimorbiditas dan luaran mortalitas pasien.HasilDi populasi pasien lansia (n=44), mayoritas berusia di antara 60-69 tahun (68%), berjenis kelamin laki-laki (66%), dan tidak memiliki riwayat kontak erat dengan pasien COVID-19 sebelumnya (86%). Gejala tersering ialah demam, batuk, dan sesak yang merupakan gejala khas COVID-19, sedangkan penyakit kronis tersering adalah diabetes melitus, hipertensi, dan keganasan. Multimorbiditas ditemukan hanya di 1 symptoms of COVID-19 were only found in about half of the study patients. Non-survivors had higher percentage of the classic symptoms of COVID-19 than survivors. Atypical COVID-19 presentations are possible in older adults. We postulated that immunosenescence and sex-specific immunoregulatory function play an important role in causing death in this study cohort. selleck chemicals llc Keywords Clinical Profile, Elderly, Geriatric Patient, COVID-19, Indonesia.Since the detection of the first confirmed case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in early March 2020, 248,852 cases have been detected in Indonesia by 21 September 2020. At least 100 doctors have died from COVID-19 nationwide. Full large-scale social restriction was a temporary measure, followed by an early transition to the new normal era during the never-ending first wave in the country. Workers in industrial, retail, transport, and tourism fields suffered a significant decrease in work. Many countries are, however, in dilemma of protecting the health of the citizens and prioritising economy. Health should be prioritised because it is an important aspect of our lives for our economy. Poor health is estimated to reduce global gross domestic product (GDP) by 15% annually through premature deaths and potential loss of productivity of the working-age citizens. Pandemics also depress economy through decrease in both supply and demand. Data from flu pandemic a century ago suggested the importance of aggressiveness and speed of intervention. Taiwan's early action led to beneficial effects on SARS-CoV-2 infection rate and economy recovery. The target of enhancement of containment measures, provision of personal protective equipments, and testing and isolation facilities should be achieved earlier and be more than the projected demand.Since the 1st case officially confirmed on the last March 2020, Indonesia recorded more than 1000 new cases daily. The national trend shows no sign of decrease as 19 September 2020 the report sets a new mark of 4000 new cases in a day. The concept of controlling disease transmission relies on contacts suppression; and on the longer end, relies on vaccinations. As 27 September 2020, no vaccine is approved for use in the general population. Until then, countries should implement early, widespread, and strict disease mitigation strategies. While much remains to be learned on COVID-19, global evidence assert at least three strategies at the population level contributes to flatten the curve mobility restriction, testing and isolation and rigorous contact-tracing.Indonesia is not on entire absences of actions, but the epidemic calls for more. The central government called for social distancing two weeks after the first case confirmed and regulation on the large scale social distancing (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/ PSBB) that restrict non-essential population mobility is enacted by April 2020.