Chronic repeated vulvovaginitis isnt just on account of Candida

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The Willwood Formation of the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming is a fluvial rock sequence that spans approximately 3 million years of early Eocene time. It has yielded one the largest collections of fossil mammals in the world including thousands of dentitions of extinct lemur-like primates known as notharctines. In the southern Bighorn Basin, specimens of these primates have been collected on numerous paleontological expeditions and the stratigraphic levels yielding the dentitions have been carefully recorded. Notharctine dentitions represent a rare opportunity to study morphological variation in a single anatomical system through time among closely related individuals.
Prior studies of Bighorn Basin notharctines through time produced measurements of hundreds of specimens but I report here results from measurement and comparison of the dentitions and dentaries of more than 3,000 specimens, all stratigraphically mapped.
Variation in premolar and molar area and variation in dentary depth are apparent thro notharctine sample suggests that in the rare instance such as this, when the fossil record is densely sampled, change through time is continuous and more consistent with gradual evolution.
Narcissistic individuals often rise to positions of influence, but how so? Upward mobility in formal hierarchies is frequently contingent upon supervisory evaluations. We examined the relation between employee narcissism and supervisor promotability ratings, testing predictions from the display of power perspective (narcissism will positively predict promotability due to higher perceived power) and impression management perspective (narcissism will positively predict promotability due to self-promotion).
In two multisource studies involving employees and their supervisors from diverse organizations (S1 N
=166; N
=93; S2 N
=128; N
=85), we measured employee narcissism (S1, S2), employee sense of power, employee impression management tactics toward the supervisor (S2), and employee promotability as rated by supervisors (S1-S2). Further, in an experiment (S3 N=181), we tested the causal effect of employee sense of power on promotability.
Results favored the display of power perspective. Although narcissism predicted both higher self-promotion toward the supervisor and greater sense of power, it was the latter that explained the positive relation between employee narcissism and promotability ratings.
Employees high on narcissism act as if they have more power in organizations, and thus, demonstrate behavior that would be expected in higher level positions. The findings help to explain narcissistic individuals' rise through the ranks.
Employees high on narcissism act as if they have more power in organizations, and thus, demonstrate behavior that would be expected in higher level positions. The findings help to explain narcissistic individuals' rise through the ranks.
Management options for women with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) comprise termination of pregnancy before the viable gestational age, leaving the placenta in situ for subsequent reabsorption of the placenta or delayed hysterectomy, manual removal of placenta after vaginal delivery or during cesarean section, focal resection of the affected uterine wall, and peripartum hysterectomy. The aim of this observational study was to describe actual clinical management and outcomes in PAS in a large international cohort.
Data from women in 15 referral centers of the International Society of PAS (IS-PAS) were analyzed and correlated with the clinical classification of the IS-PAS From Grade 1 (no PAS) to Grade 6 (invasion into pelvic organs other than the bladder). PAS was usually diagnosed antenatally and the operators performing ultrasound rated the likelihood of PAS on a Likert scale of 1 to 10.
In total, 442 women were registered in the database. No maternal deaths occurred. Mean blood loss was 2600mL (range 1evere PAS was cesarean hysterectomy, followed by leaving the placenta in situ and focal resection. Prenatal diagnosis correlated with clinical PAS grade. MEK inhibitor drugs No maternal deaths occurred.
In referral centers, the most common management for severe PAS was cesarean hysterectomy, followed by leaving the placenta in situ and focal resection. Prenatal diagnosis correlated with clinical PAS grade. No maternal deaths occurred.
To investigate the diagnostic value of texture analysis to differentiate cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) from other non-ischemic cardiomyopathies (non-CS).
Twenty CS patients and 15 non-CS patients who had undergone myocardial CT delayed enhancement (CTDE) were included. A total of 36 texture features were calculated according to the CT attenuation of CTDE. We investigated the diagnostic value to differentiate CS from non-CS. We also assessed the intra- and inter-rater reproducibility for each feature and inter-observer agreement for visual assessment.
Seven extracted features had significantly higher run length non-uniformity (RLNU) values (5.4 × 10
 ± 6.2 × 10
vs. 11.2 × 10
 ± 4.9 × 10
, p = 0.037) and significantly lower low gray-level zone emphasis (LGZE) values (7.1 × 10
 ± 8.6 × 10
vs. 18.1 × 10
 ± 16.9 × 10
, p = 0.017) in CS than in non-CS. Intra- and inter-rater reproducibility of RLNU and LGZE were excellent (ICCs > 0.8), while inter-observer agreement of visual assessment was poor (kappa = 0.19). The accuracies of texture analysis were 69% with RLNU and 71% with LGZE, which were better than that of visual assessment.
Texture analysis of CTDE could differentiate CS from non-CS with high reproducibility.
Texture analysis of CTDE could differentiate CS from non-CS with high reproducibility.Picture-naming latency differs across languages in bilingual speakers. We compared the effects of key psycholinguistic variables on picture naming among two groups of Chinese bilingual speakers and Mandarin monolingual speakers. First, we asked bilingual and monolingual speakers to estimate the age of acquisition, familiarity, visual complexity, name agreement, and imageability of a set of object and action pictures in Mandarin and Cantonese. Next, we recruited 60 Cantonese-English speakers, 50 Mandarin-Cantonese bilingual speakers, and 30 monolingual speakers who named the object and action pictures in Cantonese and Mandarin, respectively. We observed variability in the effects of item-level characteristics among groups, suggesting an interaction between item-level and individual-level characteristics as predicted. This variability was higher in bilingual speakers who spoke similar languages (Mandarin-Cantonese) in comparison to those speaking more distant languages (Cantonese-English). Our results suggest that monolingual norms and bilingual norms capture the same amount of variability; however, grammatical class interactions with other variables are explained differentially by the bilingual and monolingual norms.