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The online iCVI module provides assignments of input samples to clusters at each iteration in accordance to any of the several iCVIs. The iCVI-TopoARTMAP maintains useful properties shared by the ART predictive mapping (ARTMAP) models, such as stability, immunity to catastrophic forgetting, and the many-to-one mapping capability via the map field module. The performance and robustness to the presentation order of iCVI-TopoARTMAP were evaluated via experiments with synthetic and real-world datasets.Text generation is a key component of many natural language tasks. Motivated by the success of generative adversarial networks (GANs) for image generation, many text-specific GANs have been proposed. However, due to the discrete nature of text, these text GANs often use reinforcement learning (RL) or continuous relaxations to calculate gradients during learning, leading to high-variance or biased estimation. Furthermore, the existing text GANs often suffer from mode collapse (i.e., they have limited generative diversity). To tackle these problems, we propose a new text GAN model named text feature GAN (TFGAN), where adversarial learning is performed in a continuous text feature space. In the adversarial game, GPT2 provides the "true" features, while the generator of TFGAN learns from them. TFGAN is trained by maximum likelihood estimation on text space and adversarial learning on text feature space, effectively combining them into a single objective, while alleviating mode collapse. TFGAN achieves appealing performance in text generation tasks, and it can also be used as a flexible framework for learning text representations.In this article, the distributed adaptive fixed-time output time-varying formation tracking issue of heterogeneous multiagent systems (MASs) with actuator faults is addressed, in which the followers suffer from loss-of-effectiveness actuator faults, and the leader has unknown bounded input. To solve the above issue, a distributed fixed-time observer is constructed with the leader's unknown input, by which each follower can obtain the leader's states in a predesigned time. Then, based on the observer and the desired formation vector, a local adaptive fixed-time fault-tolerant formation control algorithm is proposed for each follower with the help of time-varying gains to make up for the influence of actuator faults. Furthermore, it is proven that the designed controller can satisfactorily accomplish the considered task of the heterogeneous MASs by using the Lyapunov stability theory. Specifically, the obtained upper bound of the convergence time only depends on a few controller parameters. Finally, a simulation example is implemented to validate the efficiency of the analytical results.In this article, a novel stochastic optimal control method is developed for robot manipulator interacting with a time-varying uncertain environment. The unknown environment model is described as a nonlinear system with time-varying parameters as well as stochastic information, which is learned via the Gaussian process regression (GPR) method as the external dynamics. Integrating the learned external dynamics as well as the stochastic uncertainties, the complete interaction system dynamics are obtained. Then the iterative linear quadratic Gaussian with learned external dynamics (ILQG-LEDs) method is presented to obtain the optimal manipulation control parameters, namely, the feedforward force, the reference trajectory, as well as the impedance parameters, subject to time-varying environment dynamics. The comparative simulation studies verify the advantages of the presented method, and the experimental studies of the peg-hole-insertion task prove that this method can deal with complex manipulation tasks.In this article, we investigate the prescribed performance tracking control problem for high-order nonlinear multiagent systems (MASs) under directed communication topology and unknown control directions. Different from most existing prescribed performance consensus control methods where certain initial conditions are needed to be satisfied, here the restriction related to the initial conditions is removed and global tracking result irrespective of initial condition is established. Furthermore, output consensus tracking is achieved asymptotically with arbitrarily prescribed transient performance in spite of the directed topology and unknown control directions. Our development benefits from the performance function and prescribed-time observer. Both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation confirm the validity of the developed control scheme.This article focuses on the reachable set synthesis problem for singular Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with time-varying delay. The main contribution is that we design a proportional plus derivative state feedback controller to ensure that the singular fuzzy system is normal and the system states are bounded by a derived ellipsoid. In the light of the Lyapunov stability theory and the parallel distributed compensation method, the sufficient criteria are shown in the format of linear matrix inequalities. Furthermore, we investigate another case of reachable set synthesis, where the reachable set to be found is contained in a given ellipsoid. Finally, we use two examples to exhibit the usefulness of the proposed method.Relative colour constancy is an essential requirement for many scientific imaging applications. However, most digital cameras differ in their image formations and native sensor output is usually inaccessible, e.g., in smartphone camera applications. This makes it hard to achieve consistent colour assessment across a range of devices, and that undermines the performance of computer vision algorithms. To resolve this issue, we propose a colour alignment model that considers the camera image formation as a black-box and formulates colour alignment as a three-step process camera response calibration, response linearisation, and colour matching. The proposed model works with non-standard colour references, i.e., colour patches without knowing the true colour values, by utilising a novel balance-of-linear-distances feature. It is equivalent to determining the camera parameters through an unsupervised process. It also works with a minimum number of corresponding colour patches across the images to be colour aligned to deliver the applicable processing. Three challenging image datasets collected by multiple cameras under various illumination and exposure conditions, including one that imitates uncommon scenes such as scientific imaging, were used to evaluate the model. Performance benchmarks demonstrated that our model achieved superior performance compared to other popular and state-of-the-art methods.Most existing RGB-D salient object detection (SOD) models adopt a two-stream structure to extract the information from the input RGB and depth images. Since they use two subnetworks for unimodal feature extraction and multiple multi-modal feature fusion modules for extracting cross-modal complementary information, these models require a huge number of parameters, thus hindering their real-life applications. To remedy this situation, we propose a novel middle-level feature fusion structure that allows to design a lightweight RGB-D SOD model. selleck chemicals llc Specifically, the proposed structure first employs two shallow subnetworks to extract low- and middle-level unimodal RGB and depth features, respectively. Afterward, instead of integrating middle-level unimodal features multiple times at different layers, we just fuse them once via a specially designed fusion module. On top of that, high-level multi-modal semantic features are further extracted for final salient object detection via an additional subnetwork. This will greatly reduce the network's parameters. Moreover, to compensate for the performance loss due to parameter deduction, a relation-aware multi-modal feature fusion module is specially designed to effectively capture the cross-modal complementary information during the fusion of middle-level multi-modal features. By enabling the feature-level and decision-level information to interact, we maximize the usage of the fused cross-modal middle-level features and the extracted cross-modal high-level features for saliency prediction. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method over some state-of-the-art methods. Remarkably, our proposed model has only 3.9M parameters and runs at 33 FPS.Image dehazing aims to remove haze in images to improve their image quality. However, most image dehazing methods heavily depend on strict prior knowledge and paired training strategy, which would hinder generalization and performance when dealing with unseen scenes. In this paper, to address the above problem, we propose Bidirectional Normalizing Flow (BiN-Flow), which exploits no prior knowledge and constructs a neural network through weakly-paired training with better generalization for image dehazing. Specifically, BiN-Flow designs 1) Feature Frequency Decoupling (FFD) for mining the various texture details through multi-scale residual blocks and 2) Bidirectional Propagation Flow (BPF) for exploiting the one-to-many relationships between hazy and haze-free images using a sequence of invertible Flow. In addition, BiN-Flow constructs a reference mechanism (RM) that uses a small number of paired hazy and haze-free images and a large number of haze-free reference images for weakly-paired training. Essentially, the mutual relationships between hazy and haze-free images could be effectively learned to further improve the generalization and performance for image dehazing. We conduct extensive experiments on five commonly-used datasets to validate the BiN-Flow. The experimental results that BiN-Flow outperforms all state-of-the-art competitors demonstrate the capability and generalization of our BiN-Flow. Besides, our BiN-Flow could produce diverse dehazing images for the same image by considering restoration diversity.Recently, graph-based methods have been widely applied to model fitting. However, in these methods, association information is invariably lost when data points and model hypotheses are mapped to the graph domain. In this paper, we propose a novel model fitting method based on co-clustering on bipartite graphs (CBG) to estimate multiple model instances in data contaminated with outliers and noise. Model fitting is reformulated as a bipartite graph partition behavior. Specifically, we use a bipartite graph reduction technique to eliminate some insignificant vertices (outliers and invalid model hypotheses), thereby improving the reliability of the constructed bipartite graph and reducing the computational complexity. We then use a co-clustering algorithm to learn a structured optimal bipartite graph with exact connected components for partitioning that can directly estimate the model instances (i.e., post-processing steps are not required). The proposed method fully utilizes the duality of data points and model hypotheses on bipartite graphs, leading to superior fitting performance. Exhaustive experiments show that the proposed CBG method performs favorably when compared with several state-of-the-art fitting methods.