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In this paper, I argue that men should take primary responsibility for protecting against pregnancy. Male long-acting reversible contraceptives are currently in development, and, once approved, should be used as the standard method for avoiding pregnancy. Since women assume the risk of pregnancy when they engage in penis-in-vagina sex, men should do their utmost to ensure that their ejaculations are responsible, otherwise women shoulder a double burden of pregnancy risk plus contraceptive responsibility. Changing the expectations regarding responsibility for contraception would render penis-in-vagina sex more equitable, and could lead to a shift in the discourse around abortion access. I describe the sex asymmetries of contraceptive responsibility and of pregnancy-related risk, and offer arguments in favour of men taking primary responsibility for contraception. My arguments centre on (1) analogies between contraception and vaccination, and unwanted pregnancy and disease; (2) a veil-of-ignorance approach, in which I contend that if a person were not told their sex, they would find a society in which men were expected to acquire and use effective contraceptives the fairest arrangement for everyone. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Nitric oxide (NO) is a key signaling molecule that regulates diverse biological processes in both animals and plants including important roles in male gamete physiology. In plants, NO is generated in pollen tubes (PTs) and affects intracellular responses through the modulation of Ca2+ signaling, actin organization, vesicle trafficking and cell wall deposition bearing consequences in pollen-stigma interactions and PT guidance. In contrast, the NO-responsive proteins that mediate these responses remains elusive. Here we show that PTs of Arabidopsis thaliana impaired in the pollen- specific Diacylglycerol Kinase 4 (DGK4) grow slower and become insensitive to NO-dependent growth inhibition and re-orientation responses. Recombinant DGK4 protein yields NO-responsive spectral and catalytic changes in vitro which are compatible with a role in NO perception and signaling in PTs. In addition to the expected phosphatidic acid producing kinase activity, DGK4 recombinant protein also revealed guanylyl cyclase activity as hinted by sequence analysis. Our results are compatible with a role for the fast-diffusible NO gas in signaling and cell-cell communication via the modulation of DGK4 activity during the progamic phase of angiosperm reproduction. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Increased transparency in study design and analysis is one proposed solution to the perceived reproducibility crisis facing science. Systematic review and meta-analysis-through which individual studies on a specific association are ascertained, assessed for quality and quantitatively combined-is a critical process for building consensus in medical research. However, the conventional publication model creates static evidence summaries that force the quality assessment criteria and analytical choices of a small number of authors onto all stakeholders, some of whom will have different views on the quality assessment and key features of the analysis. This leads to discordant inferences from meta-analysis results and delayed arrival at consensus. We propose a shift to interactive meta-analysis, through which stakeholders can take control of the evidence synthesis using their own quality criteria and preferred analytic approach-including the option to incorporate prior information on the association in question-to reveal how their summary estimate differs from that reported by the original analysts. We demonstrate this concept using a web-based meta-analysis of the association between genetic variation in a key tamoxifen-metabolising enzyme and breast cancer recurrence in tamoxifen-treated women. We argue that interactive meta-analyses would speed consensus-building to the degree that they reveal invariance of inferences to different study selection and analysis criteria. On the other hand, when inferences are found to differ substantially as a function of these choices, the disparities highlight where future research resources should be invested to resolve lingering sources of disagreement. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Feeding, a critical behavior for survival, consists of a complex series of behavioral steps. In Drosophila larvae, the initial steps of feeding are food choice, during which the quality of a potential food source is judged, and ingestion, during which the selected food source is ingested into the digestive tract. It remains unclear whether these steps employ different mechanisms of neural perception. Here, we provide insight into the two initial steps of feeding in Drosophila larva. We find that substrate choice and ingestion are determined by independent circuits at the cellular level. First, we took 22 candidate bitter compounds and examined their influence on choice preference and ingestion behavior. Interestingly, certain bitter tastants caused different responses in choice and ingestion, suggesting distinct mechanisms of perception. We further provide evidence that certain gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) in the external terminal organ are involved in determining choice preference, and a pair of larval ially affect the multiple steps that comprise feeding. Copyright © 2020 Choi et al.Harmful environmental agents cause nasal inflammation, and chronic nasal inflammation induces a loss of olfactory sensory neurons and reversible atrophy of the olfactory bulb (OB). Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying this inflammation-induced OB atrophy by histologically and biochemically comparing the OB changes in mouse models of nasal inflammation and odor deprivation. In addition, we examined whether odor stimulation is necessary for OB recovery from atrophy. One group of adult male C57BL/6 mice was administered lipopolysaccharide unilaterally for 10 weeks to induce nasal inflammation (control animals received saline), and a second group received unilateral naris closures for 10 weeks of odor deprivation. Epigenetic inhibitor library The OBs atrophied in both models, but odor deprivation shrank the glomerular, external plexiform, mitral, and granule cell layers, whereas the olfactory nerve, glomerular, and external plexiform layers atrophied as a result of nasal inflammation. Additionally, nasal inflammation, but not odor deprivation, caused neuroinflammation in the OB, inducing glial activation and elevated expression of IL-1β and TNFα.