Earlier Child years Caries within Victorian Young children The CrossSectional Study

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A hand amputation is a highly disabling event, having severe physical and psychological repercussions on a person's life. Despite extensive efforts devoted to restoring the missing functionality via dexterous myoelectric hand prostheses, natural and robust control usable in everyday life is still challenging. Novel techniques have been proposed to overcome the current limitations, among them the fusion of surface electromyography with other sources of contextual information. We present a dataset to investigate the inclusion of eye tracking and first person video to provide more stable intent recognition for prosthetic control. This multimodal dataset contains surface electromyography and accelerometry of the forearm, and gaze, first person video, and inertial measurements of the head recorded from 15 transradial amputees and 30 able-bodied subjects performing grasping tasks. Besides the intended application for upper-limb prosthetics, we also foresee uses for this dataset to study eye-hand coordination in the context of psychophysics, neuroscience, and assistive robotics.Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is removed from flue gases prior to discharge into the atmosphere by high temperature sulphation reactions with the mineral calcite (CaCO3) in the form of calcite aggregates such as limestone. The efficiency of this industrial-scale process is constrained by the self-inhibiting growth of anhydrite (CaSO4) along calcite grain boundaries. Using very high resolution X-ray μCT and Scanning Electron Microscopy we show, for the first time, how the sulphation reaction is initiated by the anisotropic thermal expansion of calcite grains to produce high inter-grain permeability. In turn fast gas-solid reaction occurs to produce a network of porous anhydrite layers between grains. Individual calcite grains are then free to rotate and translate with respect to each other as the sulphation reaction proceeds. Grain translations of up to 24 μm and rotations of up to 0.64 degrees have been tracked in samples of a highly compacted calcite aggregate (Carrara Marble) across up to 600,000 grains through heating and cooling cycles during exposure to SO2 gas flow at temperatures from 600 to 750 °C at one atmosphere. Such grain kinematics help to maintain gas phase permeability in the solid reactant and mitigate the inhibitory growth of porous anhydrite on grain boundaries.Leadership can be effective in promoting cooperation within a group, but as the saying goes "heavy is the head that wears the crown". A lot of debate still surrounds exactly what motivates individuals to expend the effort necessary to lead their groupmates. Evolutionary game theoretic models represent individual's thought processes by strategy update protocols. The most common of these are random mutation, individual learning, selective imitation, and myopic optimization. Recently we introduced a new strategy update protocol - foresight - which takes into account future payoffs, and how groupmates respond to one's own strategies. Here we apply our approach to a new 2 × 2 game, where one player, a leader, ensures via inspection and punishment that the other player, a subordinate, produces collective good. We compare the levels of inspection and production predicted by Nash Equilibrium, Quantal Response Equilibrium, level-k cognition, fictitious play, reinforcement learning, selective payoff-biased imitation, and foresight. We show that only foresight and selective imitation are effective at promoting contribution by the subordinate and inspection and punishment by the leader. The role of selective imitation in cultural and social evolution is well appreciated. In line with our prior findings, foresight is a viable alternative route to cooperation.The data described in this paper were collected in Western Kenya, specifically in Kakamega and Vihiga Counties. The data were collected from 334 households with the aim of assessing factors that facilitate or constrain the adoption of practices that enhance the sequestration of soil carbon. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire that was designed in SurveyCTO. The data were later downloaded from SurveyCTO servers and exported to STATA version 14 for cleaning and analysis. This data can be used by researchers to assess the probability and extent of adoption of specific soil carbon enhancing practices in the two counties of Western Kenya. Additionally, it can be utilized to access the impact of adopting soil carbon enhancing practices on maize and beans yield at both the plot and the farm level.Genetic diversity is estimated to be declining faster than species diversity under escalating threats, but its spatial distribution remains poorly documented at the global scale. Theory predicts that similar processes should foster congruent spatial patterns of genetic and species diversity, but empirical studies are scarce. Using a mined database of 50,588 georeferenced mitochondrial DNA barcode sequences (COI) for 3,815 marine and 1,611 freshwater fish species respectively, we examined the correlation between genetic diversity and species diversity and their global distributions in relation to climate and geography. Genetic diversity showed a clear spatial organisation, but a weak association with species diversity for both marine and freshwater species. We found a predominantly positive relationship between genetic diversity and sea surface temperature for marine species. Genetic diversity of freshwater species varied primarily across the regional basins and was negatively correlated with average river slope. Vismodegib The detection of genetic diversity patterns suggests that conservation measures should consider mismatching spatial signals across multiple facets of biodiversity.Recent developments in stem cell biology have enabled the study of cell fate decisions in early human development that are impossible to study in vivo. However, understanding how development varies across individuals and, in particular, the influence of common genetic variants during this process has not been characterised. Here, we exploit human iPS cell lines from 125 donors, a pooled experimental design, and single-cell RNA-sequencing to study population variation of endoderm differentiation. We identify molecular markers that are predictive of differentiation efficiency of individual lines, and utilise heterogeneity in the genetic background across individuals to map hundreds of expression quantitative trait loci that influence expression dynamically during differentiation and across cellular contexts.