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al and newborn folate, vitamins B-12, D, and E, zinc, and iodine biomarkers were positively related. Despite limited effects of MM, better maternal micronutrient status was associated with improved micronutrient status of Bangladeshi newborns. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00860470.
Antenatal MM supplementation increased newborn ferritin, 25(OH)D, and zinc, while maternal and newborn folate, vitamins B-12, D, and E, zinc, and iodine biomarkers were positively related. Despite limited effects of MM, better maternal micronutrient status was associated with improved micronutrient status of Bangladeshi newborns. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00860470.Burn patients are at great risk of developing fungal wound infections. Fungi are frequently cultured from burn tissue specimens alone or in combination with bacteria. However, the spectrum of fungi in burn patients from Pakistan has not been reported previously. A retrospective laboratory-based study was conducted and data on all positive cultures from burn wounds were included. During the study period, specimens were cultured on appropriate media and incubated for anaerobic and aerobic growth. Clinical and demographic information recorded during clinical reporting was also collected. Seventy tissue cultures were positive for microorganisms. Of these, 27 (39%) had growth of either filamentous mold (17 cases) or Candida species (14 cases). Two cases had growth of both mold and yeast. Aspergillus flavus was the most common mold (9) followed by Fusarium species (3). Candida tropicalis was the most common yeast (7) followed by Candida parapsilosis (4). There was concomitant bacterial growth in 19 cases, predominantly of Staphylococcus aureus (13), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8), and other Gram-negative rods (6). Of the 35 patients in which treatment history was available, 33 were receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics. A high incidence of fungal isolation was seen in this study. Their findings are consistent with the global increase in fungal infections in burn wounds. High index of suspicion by clinicians and revision of culture protocols in burn patients may be warranted for optimal patient management.Healthy cells experience thousands of DNA lesions per day during normal cellular metabolism, and ionizing radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs rely on DNA damage to kill cancer cells. In response to such lesions, the DNA damage response (DDR) activates cell-cycle checkpoints, initiates DNA repair mechanisms, or promotes the clearance of irreparable cells. Work over the past decade has revealed broader influences of the DDR, involving inflammatory gene expression following unresolved DNA damage, and immune surveillance of damaged or mutated cells. Subcellular structures called micronuclei, containing broken fragments of DNA or whole chromosomes that have been isolated away from the rest of the genome, are now recognized as one mediator of DDR-associated immune recognition. Micronuclei can initiate pro-inflammatory signaling cascades, or massively degrade to invoke distinct forms of genomic instability. In this mini-review, we aim to provide an overview of the current evidence linking the DDR to activation of the immune response through micronuclei formation, identifying key areas of interest, open questions, and emerging implications.
DNA methylation has been identified among putative regulatory mechanisms for CYP11B2 expression in primary aldosteronism.
The objective of this work is to investigate DNA methylation and expression of genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes in benign adrenocortical tumors.
This cross-sectional study took place at university hospitals.
We collected fresh-frozen tissues from patients with benign adrenocortical adenomas (n = 48) (nonfunctioning n = 9, autonomous cortisol secretion n = 9, Cushing syndrome n = 17, aldosterone-producing [APA] n = 13) and adrenal cortex adjacent to APA (n = 12). We collected formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens of paired APA and concurrent aldosterone-producing cell clusters (APCCs) (n = 6).
DNA methylation levels were evaluated by quantitative bisulfite next-generation sequencing in fresh-frozen tissues (CYP11A1, CYP11B1, CYP11B2, CYP17A1, CYP21A2, HSD3B1, HSD3B2, NR5A1, STAR, and TSPO) and FFPE APA/APCC paired samples (CYP11B2). CYP11B1, CYP11B2, CYP17, CYP21,dosterone hypersecretion in APA. Lower CYP11B2 methylation levels in APA than in APCCs may suggest an APCC-to-APA switch via progressive CYP11B2 demethylation. Conversely, DNA methylation seems not to be relevant in regulating the expression of genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes other than CYP11B2.Across the world, many commercial poultry flocks and captive birds are threatened by infection with Aspergillus fumigatus. Susceptibility to aspergillosis varies among birds; among galliform birds specifically, morbidity and mortality rates seem to be greater in turkeys than in chickens. Little is known regarding the features of avian immune responses after inhalation of Aspergillus conidia, and to date, scarce information on inflammatory responses during aspergillosis exists. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to improve our understanding of the interactions between A. fumigatus and economically relevant galliform birds in terms of local innate immune responses. Intra-tracheal aerosolization of A. fumigatus conidia in turkey and chicken poults led to more severe clinical signs and lung lesions in turkeys, but leukocyte recovery from lung lavages was higher in chickens at 1dpi only. Interestingly, only chicken CD8+ T lymphocyte proportions increased after infection. Furthermore, the lungs of infected chickes' pro-inflammatory effectors to control Aspergillus dissemination, whereas turkeys' immune response enables the exacerbation of lung lesions.
Sleep stage scoring is performed manually by sleep experts and is prone to subjective interpretation of scoring rules with low intra- and interscorer reliability. Many automatic systems rely on few small-scale databases for developing models, and generalizability to new datasets is thus unknown. PND-1186 in vitro We investigated a novel deep neural network to assess the generalizability of several large-scale cohorts.
A deep neural network model was developed using 15,684 polysomnography studies from five different cohorts. We applied four different scenarios (1) impact of varying timescales in the model; (2) performance of a single cohort on other cohorts of smaller, greater, or equal size relative to the performance of other cohorts on a single cohort; (3) varying the fraction of mixed-cohort training data compared with using single-origin data; and (4) comparing models trained on combinations of data from 2, 3, and 4 cohorts.
Overall classification accuracy improved with increasing fractions of training data (0.25% 0.