Fasting increases pyrrolizidine alkaloidinduced hepatotoxicity

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Light-induced halide segregation limits the bandgap tunability of mixed-halide perovskites for tandem photovoltaics. Here we report that light-induced halide segregation is strain-activated in MAPb(I1-xBrx)3 with Br concentration below approximately 50%, while it is intrinsic for Br concentration over approximately 50%. Free-standing single crystals of CH3NH3Pb(I0.65Br0.35)3 (35%Br) do not show halide segregation until uniaxial pressure is applied. Besides, 35%Br single crystals grown on lattice-mismatched substrates (e.g. single-crystal CaF2) show inhomogeneous segregation due to heterogenous strain distribution. Through scanning probe microscopy, the above findings are successfully translated to polycrystalline thin films. For 35%Br thin films, halide segregation selectively occurs at grain boundaries due to localized strain at the boundaries; yet for 65%Br films, halide segregation occurs in the whole layer. We close by demonstrating that only the strain-activated halide segregation (35%Br/45%Br thin films) could be suppressed if the strain is properly released via additives (e.g. KI) or ideal substrates (e.g. SiO2).Healing of the skin and oral mucosa utilises similar mechanisms of tissue repair, however, scarring and the rate of wound closure is vastly superior in the oral cavity suggesting differences between these two environments. One key difference is the phenotype of dermal fibroblasts compared to fibroblasts of gingival tissues. Human gingival fibroblasts (hGFs) are undifferentiated cells with multi-differentiation and self-renewal capacities. This study aimed to examine if delivering hGFs or their secretome, contained in hGF-conditioned media (hGF-CM), would improve healing of the skin and recapitulate features of oral healing. Human fibroblasts, keratinocytes and endothelial cells were first treated with hGF-CM and showed improved migration, proliferation and angiogenic functions. A significant reduction in macroscopic wound area and histologic dermal wound width, as well as an increased rate of re-epithelialisation, were observed in both hGFs and hGF-CM treated murine excisional wounds. This improvement was associated with reduced inflammation, increased angiogenesis and elevated collagen deposition. These findings demonstrate that treatment of dermal wounds with either hGFs or hGF-CM may provide beneficial gingival-like properties to dermal wounds and may be a potential opportunity for improving healing of the skin.Maintaining lineage restriction boundaries in proliferating tissues is vital to animal development. A long-standing thermodynamics theory, the differential adhesion hypothesis, attributes cell sorting phenomena to differentially expressed adhesion molecules. However, the contribution of the differential adhesion system during tissue morphogenesis has been unsubstantiated despite substantial theoretical support. Here, we report that Toll-1, a transmembrane receptor protein, acts as a differentially expressed adhesion molecule that straightens the fluctuating anteroposterior compartment boundary in the abdominal epidermal epithelium of the Drosophila pupa. Toll-1 is expressed across the entire posterior compartment under the control of the selector gene engrailed and displays a sharp expression boundary that coincides with the compartment boundary. Toll-1 corrects local distortions of the boundary in the absence of cable-like Myosin II enrichment along the boundary. The reinforced adhesion of homotypic cell contacts, together with pulsed cell contraction, achieves a biased vertex sliding action by resisting the separation of homotypic cell contacts in boundary cells. This work reveals a self-organizing system that integrates a differential adhesion system with pulsed contraction of cells to maintain lineage restriction boundaries.It has been shown that reactive soil minerals, specifically iron(III) (oxyhydr)oxides, can trap organic carbon in soils overlying intact permafrost, and may limit carbon mobilization and degradation as it is observed in other environments. However, the use of iron(III)-bearing minerals as terminal electron acceptors in permafrost environments, and thus their stability and capacity to prevent carbon mobilization during permafrost thaw, is poorly understood. We have followed the dynamic interactions between iron and carbon using a space-for-time approach across a thaw gradient in Abisko (Sweden), where wetlands are expanding rapidly due to permafrost thaw. We show through bulk (selective extractions, EXAFS) and nanoscale analysis (correlative SEM and nanoSIMS) that organic carbon is bound to reactive Fe primarily in the transition between organic and mineral horizons in palsa underlain by intact permafrost (41.8 ± 10.8 mg carbon per g soil, 9.9 to 14.8% of total soil organic carbon). During permafrost thaw, water-logging and O2 limitation lead to reducing conditions and an increase in abundance of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria which favor mineral dissolution and drive mobilization of both iron and carbon along the thaw gradient. By providing a terminal electron acceptor, this rusty carbon sink is effectively destroyed along the thaw gradient and cannot prevent carbon release with thaw.One of the most striking properties of molecular hydrogen is the coupling between molecular rotational properties and nuclear spin orientations, giving rise to the spin isomers ortho- and para-hydrogen. At high pressure, as intermolecular interactions increase significantly, the free rotation of H2 molecules is increasingly hindered, and consequently a modification of the coupling between molecular rotational properties and the nuclear spin system can be anticipated. To date, high-pressure experimental methods have not been able to observe nuclear spin states at pressures approaching 100 GPa (Meier, Annu. Rep. LY 3527727 NMR Spectrosc. 941-74, 2017; Meier, Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 106-10726-36, 2018) and consequently the effect of high pressure on the nuclear spin statistics could not be directly measured. Here, we present in-situ high-pressure nuclear magnetic resonance data on molecular hydrogen in its hexagonal phase I up to 123 GPa at room temperature. While our measurements confirm the presence of ortho-hydrogen at low pressures, above 70 GPa, we observe a crossover in the nuclear spin statistics from a spin-1 quadrupolar to a spin-1/2 dipolar system, evidencing the loss of spin isomer distinction.