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Antibody titres of phenolic glycolipid-1 and its synthetic variants can be measured in serum and saliva and provide noninvasive means to detect leprosy with good specificity. Conventional, quantitative, real-time, and other variants of PCR can detect M. leprae DNA and have been used to effect in blood, tissue, and urine samples. T helper I and II cytokine signatures can be used to differentiate the subtypes of leprosy. Newer machine learning algorithms use combinations of these tests to predict the development of leprosy in contacts. Tests to detect treatment response, antimicrobial drug resistance, and predict the onset of reactions in leprosy can be used to advantage. We compare the characteristics of these tests and suggest an algorithm for leprosy diagnosis optimally utilizing them in various clinical settings.Electron microscopy (EM) has a substantial role in the diagnosis of skeletal muscle disorders. The ultrastructural changes can be observed in muscle fibers and other components of the muscle tissue. EM serves as a confirmatory tool where the diagnosis is already established by enzyme histochemistry staining. Although it is indispensable in the diagnosis of rare forms of congenital myopathies not appreciated by light microscope, such as cylindrical spiral myopathy, zebra body myopathy, fingerprint body myopathy, and intranuclear rod myopathy, in cases not subjected to histochemical staining, it is required for definitive diagnosis in certain groups of muscle disorders, which includes congenital myopathies, metabolic myopathies in particular mitochondrial myopathies and glycogenosis, and in vacuolar myopathies. It does not have diagnostic implications in muscular dystrophies and neurogenic disorders. In the recent past, despite the availability of advanced diagnostic techniques, electron microscopy continues to play a vital role in the diagnosis of skeletal muscle disorders. This review gives an account of ultrastructural features of skeletal muscle disorders, the role of EM in the diagnosis, and its limitations.Metabolic myopathies are a diverse group of genetic disorders that result in impaired energy production. They are individually rare and several have received the 'orphan disorder' status. However, collectively they constitute a relatively common group of disorders that affect not only the skeletal muscle but also the heart, liver, and brain among others. Mitochondrial disorders, with a frequency of 1/8000 population, are the commonest cause of metabolic myopathies. Three main groups that cause metabolic myopathy are glycogen storage disorders (GSD), fatty acid oxidation defects (FAOD), and mitochondrial myopathies. Clinically, patients present with varied ages at onset and neuromuscular features. While newborns and infants typically present with hypotonia and multisystem involvement chiefly affecting the liver, heart, kidney, and brain, patients with onset later in life present with exercise intolerance with or without progressive muscle weakness and myoglobinuria. In general, GSDs result in high-intensity exercise intolerance while, FAODs, and mitochondrial myopathies predominantly manifest during endurance-type activity, fasting, or metabolically stressful conditions. Evaluation of these patients comprises a meticulous clinical examination and a battery of investigations which includes- exercise stress testing, metabolic and biochemical screening, electrophysiological studies, neuro-imaging, muscle biopsy, and molecular genetics. Accurate and early detection of metabolic myopathies allows timely counseling to prevent metabolic crises and helps in therapeutic interventions. This review summarizes the clinical features, diagnostic tests, pathological features, treatment and presents an algorithm to diagnose these three main groups of disorders.Within the history of neuromuscular diseases (NMD), congenital myopathies (CM) represent a relatively new category introduced in the mid-nineteen hundreds upon advent and subsequent application of enzyme histochemistry and electron microscopy by establishing the three major CM, central core disease, nemaline myopathy, and centronuclear myopathy which later pluralized each when the molecular era began at the end of last century. Quickly, during the following 5 decades, many new CM entities were described, based on muscle biopsies and their CM-characteristic myopathology, the former a prerequisite to recognizing an individual CM, the latter of the nosological hallmark of the individual CM. When the molecular era ushered in immunohistochemistry the spectrum and nosography of CM altered in that some CM became allelic to other cohorts of NMD, e.g., congenital muscular dystrophies, other muscular dystrophies, distal myopathies based on different or identical mutations in the same gene. The nosological spectrum of a defective gene also enlarged by recognizing several entities with mutations in the same gene, and same or similar nosological conditions originated from mutations in different genes. Lately, however, CM were reported which lacked any individual myopathological hallmarks, but were clearly based on molecular defects, a fair number of them being newly identified ones. Few CM still remain without any molecular clarification. This nosographic development rendered the original definition of such new CM questionable and brought uncertainty to their classification and nomenclature.Muscular dystrophies are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders involving the skeletal muscles. They have a progressive clinical course and are characterized by muscle fiber degeneration. Congenital muscular dystrophies (CMD) include dystroglycanopathies, merosin-deficient CMD, collagen VI-deficient CMD, SELENON-related rigid spine muscular dystrophy, and LMNA-related CMD. Childhood and adult-onset muscular dystrophies include dystrophinopathies, limb-girdle muscular dystrophies, Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, and myotonic dystrophy. Traditionally, muscle biopsy and histopathology along with special pathology techniques such as immunohistochemistry or immunoblotting were used for the diagnosis of muscular dystrophies. However, recent advances in molecular genetic testing, especially the next-generation sequencing technology, have revolutionized the diagnosis of muscular dystrophies. Identification of the underlying genetic basis helps in appropriate management and prognostication of the affected individual and genetic counseling of the family. In addition, identification of the exact disease-causing mutations is necessary for accurate prenatal genetic testing and carrier testing, to prevent recurrence in the family. Mutation identification is also essential for initiating mutation-specific therapies (which have been developed recently, especially for Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and for enrolment of patients into ongoing therapeutic clinical trials. selleck compound The 'genetic testing first' approach has now become the norm in most centers. Nonetheless, muscle biopsy-based testing still has an important role to play, especially for cases where genetic testing is negative or inconclusive for the etiology.Diagnosis of inflammatory myositis has been made easier with the availability of commercial assays for myositis-specific and myositis-associated antibodies. Clinico-serological association studies have permitted a better definition of clinical subsets. Myositis-specific auto-antibodies are highly specific and non-overlapping, whereas myositis-associated antibodies are those seen also in other connective tissue disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus, primary Sjogren's syndrome, and idiopathic pulmonary auto-immune fibrosis. Their value is pronounced when clinical features are subtle or non-specific or when the muscle is not the primary organ involved. Overall, the muscle-specific and myositis-associated antibodies have changed the landscape in terms of diagnostic utility, prognostication, and the approach to organ-specific evaluation and management of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs).Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) is a broad term that includes dermatomyositis, polymyositis, overlap myositis, sporadic inclusion body myositis, and immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy. The understanding of the pathogenesis of IIM is ever-evolving with regular updates in the classification schema. With the recognition of autoantibodies and their detection, the diagnostic algorithms are changing in favor of non-invasive diagnoses. However, muscle biopsy has immensely contributed to our understanding of the pathogenesis of inflammatory myopathies, and the pathologic features of different subtypes are well established. The biopsy also aids in distinguishing myopathies with overlapping clinical features, particularly dystrophies, which can show inflammation on biopsy in some cases. In this article, the various classification schemes of the IIM are reviewed. Also, the pathogenesis and pathology of each type of IIM have been highlighted. This article emphasizes the role of muscle biopsy in the diagnosis of inflammatory myopathies.Histopathological analysis of muscle biopsy is a prerequisite in the evaluation of neuromuscular disorders, particularly inflammatory myopathies, metabolic myopathies, congenital myopathies, muscular dystrophies and differentiating myopathies and neurogenic disorders with overlapping clinically features. It not only provides useful information that helps in the diagnosis but also treatment and management. Fundamental skills and basic knowledge regarding handling, processing and analyzing a muscle biopsy are required in any specialized or a general pathology lab supporting neuromuscular clinical services. Care during transport of the muscle biopsy, sample receipt in the laboratory and grossing is very important. Standard operating procedure should be followed for the preanalytical steps (freezing and cryomicrotomy), routine and special staining (enzyme and non enzymatic) and immunohistochemistry. A well organized neuromuscular laboratory with good quality management system is necessary for the practice of myopathology. This article gives an overview of establishing such a laboratory.Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have become a part of our daily routine. There are very few of us who are not influenced by this technology. There are a lot of misconceptions about the scope, utility, and fallacies of AI. Digital neuropathology is an evolving area of research. The importance of digital image processing stems from the rapid gains in computer vision and image processing that have happened in the past decade thanks to advancements in deep learning (DL). The article attempts to present to the audience a simple presentation of the technology and attempts to provide a context-based understanding of the DL process for image processing. Also highlighted are current challenges and the roadblocks in adopting the technology in routine neuropathology.Biobanks are set to become the norm. The explosion of new and powerful technologies like genomics and other multiomics has catapulted research from individual laboratories to multi-institutional and international partners. Today, with increasing life span, and the rising incidence of brain diseases, Brain Banks have become an invaluable source for unravelling the pathogenesis of several brain disorders, and develop effective therapies. The article briefly reviews the evolution of brain banking, rise of global networks, with a brief overview of steps involved from donor recruitment, protocols of processing, storage, annotation, and tissue distribution. The ethics of biobanking is one of the most controversial issues in bioethics, the key issues being consent, confidentiality, and commercialisation. Regulatory authorities in different countries and in India, the Indian Council of Medical Research has taken a lead to formulate new ethical guidelines for research involving human participants protecting rights, and well-being of research participants.