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High-quality transparent conductive film is very important for flexible display, especially with super high transmittance, good conductivity, and excellent stability. In this work, the synthesis and characterization of a three-dimensional sandwich-like structure, including a silver nanowire network and PEDOTPSS coated by two layers of graphene, a transparent conductive layer named GAPG, were demonstrated. The transparent conductive layer made full use of the plasma effect of silver nanowires and the properties of graphene, including high light transmittance, metalloid conductivity, and excellent mechanical recovery. The PEDOTPSS enabled silver nanowires and double graphene to form a solid whole, which greatly improved the stability of the membrane. Its sheet resistance was 48.3Ω/◻, and its electron mobility was 14,663cm2/(V⋅s), which were superior to single-layer graphene and other transparent conductive layers. Compared with other flexible conductive materials, GAPG had more advantages in mechanical properties, a wider viewing angle, excellent bending recovery, and more stable performance. When the film was bent, its light transmittance was only ±0.3Ω, and the change rate was less than ±0.2%. The scattering of silver nanowires and PEDOTPSS particles made the problem of display angle fully solved. So GAPG is a potential flexible conductive material, which can be used in electronic paper and other flexible devices to greatly improve their performance.We theoretically and experimentally study a terahertz metamaterial based on a hybrid metamaterial/BFO/Si structure, where the BFO thin films are annealed and unannealed, respectively. Due to the interaction or hybridization of two resonators, an obvious plasma-induced transparency effect can be obtained in the transmission spectra. With increasing the external optical pumping power, the transparency peak modulation depth of the annealed hybrid sample is about 45% while the unannealed hybrid sample is almost zero. The annealing treatment has a significant effect on the modulation through investigating the photoconductivity of the BFO thin films. The photogenerated carriers suppress the resonances of the two bright modes, thus the transparency peak of the metamaterial is disappeared. Smad2 signaling This work is a further step forward in practical applications of BFO-based terahertz functional devices and a path for exploration of multiferroic material BiFeO3 in the terahertz range.We present a method for less-invasive imaging through scattering media. We use an image-to-image translation, which is called a cycle generative adversarial network (CycleGAN), based on semi-supervised learning with an unlabeled dataset. Our method was experimentally demonstrated by reconstructing object images displayed on a spatial light modulator between diffusers. In the demonstration, CycleGAN was trained with captured images and object candidate images that were not used for image capturing through the diffusers and were not paired with the captured images.We present a powerful phase-shift extraction algorithm for multiple-frame random phase-shifting fringe patterns. The proposed method is based on changing the regularity of the amplitude of a demodulated analytic signal with respect to different phase shifts and a one-dimensional optimization method. Compared with the existing universal phase-reconstruction method, the proposed method is accurate, stable, and efficient. Both numerical simulations and experimental data demonstrate the high accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.To investigate the effect of ablation behavior on the matrix effect, nanosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is used to analyze variations in element signal intensities of NIST 610 and GSE-1G standard samples with different laser fluence. Scanning electron microscopy and super depth-of-field microscopy are used to capture the morphology of the ablation crater and obtain depth information, respectively. A pump-probe shadowgraph is used to record the dynamic process of plasma plume evolution during sample ablation. Experimental results show that the proportion of refractory elements to volatile elements in the ablation materials with two different matrices increases with an increase in laser fluence. For the GSE-1G matrix, this range of increase is relatively small, and the signal loss of refractory elements occurs at a higher laser fluence. Combined with the morphology of the ablation crater and evolution of the plasma plume, this potential cause is related to the plasma shielding, which is beneficial to form and deposit large particles, resulting in the loss of refractory elements at high energy fluence.We propose a method for direct comparison of rendered images with a corresponding photograph in order to analyze the optical properties of physical objects and test the appropriateness of appearance models. To this end, we provide a practical method for aligning a known object and a point-like light source with the configuration observed in a photograph. Our method is based on projective transformation of object edges and silhouette matching in the image plane. To improve the similarity between rendered and photographed objects, we introduce models for spatially varying roughness and a model where the distribution of light transmitted by a rough surface influences direction-dependent subsurface scattering. Our goal is to support development toward progressive refinement of appearance models through quantitative validation.Pose estimation is important for many robotic applications including bin picking and robotic assembly and collaboration. However, robust and accurate estimation of the poses of industrial objects is a challenging task owing to the various object shapes and complex working environments. This paper presents a method of estimating the poses of narrow and elongated industrial objects with a low-cost RGB-D (depth and color) camera to guide the process of robotic assembly. The proposed method comprises three main steps reconstruction involved in preprocessing, pose initialization with geometric features, and tracking aided by contour cues. Pose tracking is coupled with real-time dense reconstruction, which can synthesize a smooth depth image as a substitute for the raw depth image. Because industrial objects (e.g., fork and adapter) feature mostly planar structures, primitive geometric features, such as three-dimensional planes, are extracted from the point cloud and utilized to induce a promising initial pose. For robust tracking of the adapter consisting of narrow and elongated planes, the dense surface correspondences are combined with sparse contour correspondences in the refinement scheme.