NTRPV1 A Molecular Codetector involving The bodys temperature and also Osmotic Tension

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BACKGROUND Repetitive inpatient laboratory testing contributes to waste in healthcare. We evaluated an intervention bundle combining education and multilevel social comparison feedback to safely reduce repetitive use of inpatient routine laboratory tests. METHODS This non-randomised controlled pre-intervention post-intervention study was conducted in four adult hospitals from October 2016 to March 2018. In the medical teaching unit (MTU) of the intervention site, learners received education and aggregate social comparison feedback and attending internists received individual comparison feedback on routine laboratory test utilisation. MTUs of the remaining three sites served as control units. Number and cost of routine laboratory tests ordered per patient-day before and after the intervention was compared with the control units, adjusting for patient factors. Safety endpoints included number of critically abnormal laboratory test results, number of stat laboratory test orders, patient length of stay, transfer 20. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.INTRODUCTION This study estimated the prevalence of spirometry-defined airflow obstruction and coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) among never-smoking coal miners participating in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP). METHODS Data were from working miners screened by a CWHSP mobile unit who had valid spirometry and chest radiography results. Spirometry-defined airflow obstruction was determined when the ratio of forced expiratory volume in the first second to forced vital capacity is less than the lower limit of normal. Chest radiographs were classified according to the International Labour Office system to identify pneumoconiosis, including the most severe form of pneumoconiosis, progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). RESULTS Prevalence of airflow obstruction among never-smoking coal miners in this sample was 7.7% overall, 16.4% among miners with CWP and 32.3% among miners with PMF. Airflow obstruction was significantly associated with CWP and PMF. CONCLUSIONS There was a higher prevalence of airflow obstruction among never-smoking coal miners with pneumoconiosis compared with those without pneumoconiosis. These findings support prior research on airflow obstruction and smoking and show pneumoconiosis might present with an obstructive pattern regardless of smoking status. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Assessment of the compressibility of marine mammal airways at depth is crucial to understanding vital physiological processes such as gas exchange during diving. Very few studies have directly assessed changes in cetacean and pinniped tracheobronchial shape, and none have quantified changes in volume with increasing pressure. A harbor seal, gray seal, harp seal, harbor porpoise and common dolphin were imaged promptly post mortem via computed tomography in a radiolucent hyperbaric chamber. Volume reconstructions were performed of segments of the trachea and bronchi of the pinnipeds and bronchi of the cetaceans for each pressure treatment. All specimens examined demonstrated significant decreases in airway volume with increasing pressure, with those of the harbor seal and common dolphin nearing complete collapse at the highest pressures. The common dolphin bronchi demonstrated distinctly different compression dynamics between 50% and 100% lung inflation treatments, indicating the importance of air in maintaining patent airways, and collapse occurred caudally to cranially in the 50% treatment. Dynamics of the harbor seal and gray seal airways indicated that the trachea was less compliant than the bronchi. These findings indicate potential species-specific variability in airway compliance, and cessation of gas exchange may occur at greater depths than those predicted in models assuming rigid airways. This may potentially increase the likelihood of decompression sickness in these animals during diving. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.We describe air-breathing mechanics in gray tree frog tadpoles (Hyla versicolor). We found that H. versicolor tadpoles breathe by 'bubble-sucking', a breathing mode typically employed by tadpoles too small to break the water's surface tension, in which a bubble is drawn into the buccal cavity and compressed into the lungs. In most tadpoles, bubble-sucking is replaced by breach breathing (breaking the surface to access air) at larger body sizes. In contrast, H. versicolor tadpoles bubble-suck throughout the larval period, despite reaching body sizes at which breaching is possible. Hyla versicolor tadpoles exhibit two bubble-sucking behaviors 'single bubble-sucking', previously described in other tadpole species, is characterized by a single suction event followed by a compression phase to fill the lungs; 'double bubble-sucking' is a novel, apparently derived form of bubble-sucking that adds a second suction event. check details Hyla versicolor tadpoles transition from single bubble-sucking to double bubble-sucking at approximately 5.7 mm snout-vent length (SVL), which corresponds to a period of rapid lung maturation when they transition from low to high vascularization (6.0 mm SVL). Functional, behavioral and morphological evidence suggests that double bubble-sucking increases the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange by separating expired, deoxygenated air from freshly inspired air to prevent mixing. Hyla versicolor, and possibly other hylid tadpoles, may have specialized for bubble-sucking in order to take advantage of this increased efficiency. Single and double bubble-sucking represent two- and four-stroke ventilation systems, which we discuss in the context of other anamniote air-breathing mechanisms. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.The cardiovascular system is critical for delivering O2 to tissues. Here, we examined the cardiovascular responses to progressive hypoxia in four high-altitude Andean duck species compared with four related low-altitude populations in North America, tested at their native altitude. Ducks were exposed to stepwise decreases in inspired partial pressure of O2 while we monitored heart rate, O2 consumption rate, blood O2 saturation, haematocrit (Hct) and blood haemoglobin (Hb) concentration. We calculated O2 pulse (the product of stroke volume and the arterial-venous O2 content difference), blood O2 concentration and heart rate variability. Regardless of altitude, all eight populations maintained O2 consumption rate with minimal change in heart rate or O2 pulse, indicating that O2 consumption was maintained by either a constant arterial-venous O2 content difference (an increase in the relative O2 extracted from arterial blood) or by a combination of changes in stroke volume and the arterial-venous O2 content difference.