Nutrition as well as Metabolic rate associated with Vitamins inside Seafood

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The sedimentation of solid objects into granular matter near boundaries is an almost virgin field of research. Here we describe in detail the penetration dynamics of a cylindrical object into a quasi-2D granular medium. By tracking the trajectory of the cylinder as it penetrates the granular bed, we characterize two distinct kinds of motion its center of mass moves horizontally away from the lateral wall, and it rotates around its symmetry axis. While the repulsion is caused by the loading of force chains between the intruder and the wall, the rotation can be associated to the frictional forces between the grains and the intruder. Finally, we show the analogies between the sedimentation of twin intruders released far from any boundaries, and that of one intruder released near a vertical wall.We demonstrate a new highly tunable technique for generating meter-scale low density plasma waveguides. Such guides can enable laser-driven electron acceleration to tens of GeV in a single stage. Plasma waveguides are imprinted in hydrogen gas by optical field ionization induced by two time-separated Bessel beam pulses The first pulse, a J_0 beam, generates the core of the waveguide, while the delayed second pulse, here a J_8 or J_16 beam, generates the waveguide cladding, enabling wide control of the guide's density, depth, and mode confinement. We demonstrate guiding of intense laser pulses over hundreds of Rayleigh lengths with on-axis plasma densities as low as N_e0∼5×10^16  cm^-3.We report a new measurement of the positronium (Ps) 2^3S_1→2^3P_0 interval. Slow Ps atoms, optically excited to the radiatively metastable 2^3S_1 level, flew through a microwave radiation field tuned to drive the transition to the short-lived 2^3P_0 level, which was detected via the time spectrum of subsequent ground state Ps annihilation radiation. After accounting for Zeeman shifts we obtain a transition frequency ν_0=18501.02±0.61  MHz, which is not in agreement with the theoretical value of ν_0=18498.25±0.08  MHz.We experimentally and numerically show that chirality can play a major role in the nonlinear optical response of soft birefringent materials, by studying the nonlinear propagation of laser beams in frustrated cholesteric liquid crystal samples. Such beams exhibit a periodic nonlinear response associated with a bouncing pattern for the optical fields, as well as a self-focusing effect enhanced by the chirality of the birefringent material. Our results open new possible designs of nonlinear optical devices with low power consumption and tunable interactions with localized topological solitons.Identifying the essence of doped Mott insulators is one of the major outstanding problems in condensed matter physics and the key to understanding the high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. We report real space visualization of Mott insulator-metal transition in Sr_1-xLa_xCuO_2+y cuprate films that cover both the electron- and hole-doped regimes. Tunneling conductance measurements directly on the copper-oxide (CuO_2) planes reveal a systematic shift in the Fermi level, while the fundamental Mott-Hubbard band structure remains unchanged. This is further demonstrated by exploring the atomic-scale electronic response of CuO_2 to substitutional dopants and intrinsic defects in a sister compound Sr_0.92Nd_0.08CuO_2. #link# The results may be better explained in the framework of self-modulation doping, similar to that in semiconductor heterostructures, and form a basis for developing any microscopic theories for cuprate superconductivity.We investigate the role of partonic degrees of freedom in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_NN]=5.02  TeV carried out at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) by studying the production and collective flow of identified hadrons at intermediate p_T via the coalescence of soft partons from the viscous hydrodynamics (VISH2+1) and hard partons from the energy loss model, linear Boltzmann transport (LBT). We find that combining these intermediate p_T hadrons with the low p_T hadrons from the hydrodynamically expanding fluid and high p_T hadrons from the fragmentation of quenched jets, the resulting hydro-dynamics-coalescence-fragmentation model provides a nice description of measured p_T spectra and differential elliptic flow v_2(p_T) of pions, kaons, and protons over the p_T range from 0 to 6 GeV. We further demonstrate the necessity of including the quark coalescence contribution to reproduce the experimentally observed approximate number of constituent quark scaling of hadron v_2 at intermediate p_T. Our results thus indicate the importance of partonic degrees of freedom and also hint at the possible formation of quark-gluon plasma in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions at the LHC.In nodal-line semimetals, linearly dispersing states form Dirac loops in the reciprocal space with a high degree of electron-hole symmetry and a reduced density of states near the Fermi level. The result is reduced electronic screening and enhanced correlations between Dirac quasiparticles. Here we investigate the electronic structure of ZrSiSe, by combining time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with ab initio density functional theory (DFT) complemented by an extended Hubbard model (DFT+U+V) and by time-dependent DFT+U+V. We show that electronic correlations are reduced on an ultrashort timescale by optical excitation of high-energy electrons-hole pairs, which transiently screen the Coulomb interaction. Our findings demonstrate an all-optical method for engineering the band structure of a quantum material.The critical phases, being delocalized but nonergodic, are fundamental phases different from both the many-body localization and ergodic extended quantum phases, and have so far not been realized in experiment. Here we propose an incommensurate topological insulating model of AIII symmetry class to realize such critical phases through an optical Raman lattice scheme, which possesses a one-dimensional (1D) spin-orbit coupling and an incommensurate Zeeman potential. We show the existence of both noninteracting and many-body critical phases, which can coexist with the topological phase, and show that the critical-localization transition coincides with the topological phase boundary in noninteracting regime. The dynamical detection of the critical phases is proposed and studied in detail based on the available experimental techniques. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed critical phases can be achieved within the current ultracold atom experiments. This work paves the way to observe the novel critical phases.We present an anomalous experimental observation on the rising speed of air bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell containing a suspension of spherical, neutrally buoyant, non-Brownian particles. Strikingly, bubbles rise faster in suspensions as compared to particle-less liquids of the same effective viscosity. By carefully measuring this bubble speed increase at various particle volume fraction and via velocity field imaging, we demonstrate that this strange bubble dynamics is linked to a reduction in the bulk dissipation rate. A good match between our experimental data and computations based on a Suspension Balance Model (SBM) illustrates that the underlying mechanism for this dissipation-rate deficit is related to a nonuniform particle distribution in the direction perpendicular to the channel walls due to shear-induced particle migration.Channel multiplexing quantum communication based on exploiting continuous-variable entanglement of optical modes offers great potential to enhance channel capacity and save quantum resource. Here, we present a frequency-comb-type control scheme for simultaneously extracting a lot of entangled sideband modes with arbitrary frequency detuning from a squeezed state of light. We experimentally demonstrate fourfold channel multiplexing quantum dense coding communication by exploiting the extracted four pairs of entangled sideband modes. Due to high entanglement and wide frequency separation between each entangled pairs, these quantum channels have large channel capacity and the cross talking effect can be avoided. The achieved channel capacities have surpassed that of all classical and quantum communication under the same bandwidth published so far. The presented scheme can be extended to more channels if more entangled sideband modes are extracted.Generalized hydrodynamics is a recent theory that describes the large scale transport properties of one dimensional integrable models. At the heart of this theory lies an exact quantum-classical correspondence, which states that the flows of the conserved quantities are essentially quasiclassical even in the interacting quantum many body models. We provide the algebraic background to this observation, by embedding the current operators of the integrable spin chains into the canonical framework of Yang-Baxter integrability. Our construction can be applied in a large variety of models including the XXZ spin chains, the Hubbard model, and even in models lacking particle conservation such as the XYZ chain. link2 Regarding the XXZ chain we present a simplified proof of the recent exact results for the current mean values, and explain how their quasiclassical nature emerges from the exact computations.Free-electron lasers provide a source of x-ray pulses short enough and intense enough to drive nonlinearities in molecular systems. Impulsive interactions driven by these x-ray pulses provide a way to create and probe valence electron motions with high temporal and spatial resolution. link3 Observing these electronic motions is crucial to understand the role of electronic coherence in chemical processes. A simple nonlinear technique for probing electronic motion, impulsive stimulated x-ray Raman scattering (ISXRS), involves a single impulsive interaction to produce a coherent superposition of electronic states. AP20187 purchase demonstrate electronic population transfer via ISXRS using broad bandwidth (5.5 eV full width at half maximum) attosecond x-ray pulses produced by the Linac Coherent Light Source. The impulsive excitation is resonantly enhanced by the oxygen 1s→2π^* resonance of nitric oxide (NO), and excited state neutral molecules are probed with a time-delayed UV laser pulse.van der Waals heterostructures of atomically thin layers with rotational misalignments, such as twisted bilayer graphene, feature interesting structural moiré superlattices. Because of the quantum coupling between the twisted atomic layers, light-matter interaction is inherently chiral; as such, they provide a promising platform for chiral plasmons in the extreme nanoscale. However, while the interlayer quantum coupling can be significant, its influence on chiral plasmons still remains elusive. Here we present the general solutions from full Maxwell equations of chiral plasmons in twisted atomic bilayers, with the consideration of interlayer quantum coupling. We find twisted atomic bilayers have a direct correspondence to the chiral metasurface, which simultaneously possesses chiral and magnetic surface conductivities, besides the common electric surface conductivity. In other words, the interlayer quantum coupling in twisted van der Waals heterostructures may facilitate the construction of various (e.g., bi-anisotropic) atomically-thin metasurfaces.