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37, 95% CI 1.04-1.80). No clear effect of MTX on flares was found and time weighted daily GC dose was higher, possibly due to residual confounding by indication. However, the clearly reduced flare rate after MTX start might be suggestive for a beneficial effect of MTX.Due to their integral roles in oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrially encoded proteins represent common targets of selection in response to altitudinal hypoxia across high-altitude taxa. While previous studies revealed evidence of positive selection on mitochondrial genomes of high-altitude Phrynocephalus lizards, their conclusions were restricted by out-of-date phylogenies and limited taxonomic sampling. Using topologies derived from both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA phylogenies, we re-assessed the evidence of positive selection on the mitochondrial genomes of high-altitude Phrynocephalus. We sampled representative species from all four main lineages and sequenced the mitochondrial genome of P. maculatus, a putative sister taxon to the high-altitude group. Positive selection was assessed through two widely used branch-site tests the branch-site model in PAML and BUSTED in HyPhy. No evidence of positive selection on mitochondrial genes was detected on branches leading to two most recent common ancestors of high-altitude species; however, we recovered evidence of positive selection on COX1 on the P. forsythii branch, which represents a reversal from high- to low-elevation environments. A positively selected site therein marked a threonine to valine substitution at position 419. We suggest this bout of selection occurred as the ancestors of P. forsythii re-colonized lower altitude environments north of the Tibetan Plateau. Despite their role in oxidative phosphorylation, we posit that mitochondrial genes are unlikely to have represented historical targets of selection for high-altitude adaptation in Phrynocephalus. Consequently, future studies should address the roles of nuclear genes and differential gene expression.A fundamental paradox motivates the study of plant mitochondrial genomics the mutation rate is very low (lower than in the nucleus) but the rearrangement rate is high. A landmark paper published in Journal of Molecular Evolution in 1988 established these facts and revealed the paradox. Jeffrey Palmer and Laura Herbon did a prodigious amount of work in the pre-genome sequencing era to identify both the high frequency of rearrangements between closely related species, and the low frequency of mutations, observations that have now been confirmed many times by sequencing. This paper was also the first to use molecular data on rearrangements as a phylogenetic trait to build a parsimonious tree. The work was a technical tour-de-force, its findings are still at the heart of plant mitochondrial genomics, and the underlying molecular mechanisms that produce this paradox are still not completely understood.A near-universal Standard Genetic Code (SGC) implies a single origin for present Earth life. To study this unique event, I compute paths to the SGC, comparing different plausible histories. Notably, SGC-like coding emerges from traditional evolutionary mechanisms, and a superior route can be identified. To objectively measure evolution, progress values from 0 (random coding) to 1 (SGC-like) are defined these measure fractions of random-code-to-SGC distance. Progress types are spacing/distance/delta Polar Requirement, detecting space between identical assignments/mutational distance to the SGC/chemical order, respectively. The coding system is based on selected RNAs performing aminoacyl-RNA synthetase reactions. Acceptor RNAs exhibit SGC-like Crick wobble; alternatively, non-wobbling triplets uniquely encode 20 amino acids/start/stop. Triplets acquire 22 functions by stereochemistry, selection, coevolution, or at random. Selleck PF-06873600 Assignments also propagate to an assigned triplet's neighborhood via single mutations, but can also decay. A vast code universe makes futile evolutionary paths plentiful. Thus, SGC evolution is critically sensitive to disorder from random assignments. Evolution also inevitably slows near coding completion. The SGC likely avoided these difficulties, and two suitable paths are compared. In late wobble, a majority of non-wobble assignments are made before wobble is adopted. In continuous wobble, a uniquely advantageous early intermediate yields an ordered SGC. Revised coding evolution (limited randomness, late wobble, concentration on amino acid encoding, chemically conservative coevolution with a chemically ordered elite) produces varied full codes with excellent joint progress values. A population of only 600 independent coding tables includes SGC-like members; a Bayesian path toward more accurate SGC evolution is available.The Standard Genetic Code (SGC) exists in every known organism on Earth. SGC evolution via early unique codon assignment, then later wobble, yields coding resembling the near-universal code. Below, later wobble is shown to also create an optimal route to accurate codon assignment. Time of optimal codon assignment matches the previously defined mean time for ordered coding, exhibiting ≥ 90% of SGC order. Accurate evolution is also accessible, sufficiently frequent to appear in populations of 103 to 104 codes. SGC-like coding capacity, code order, and accurate assignments therefore arise together, in one attainable evolutionary intermediate. Examples, which plausibly resemble coding at evolutionary domain separation, are characterized.As both a computational and an experimental endeavor, ancestral sequence reconstruction remains a timely and important technique. Modern approaches to conduct ancestral sequence reconstruction for proteins are built upon a conceptual framework from journal founder Emile Zuckerkandl. On top of this, work on maximum likelihood phylogenetics published in Journal of Molecular Evolution in 1996 was one of the first approaches for generating maximum likelihood ancestral sequences of proteins. From its computational history, future model development needs as well as potential applications in areas as diverse as computational systems biology, molecular community ecology, infectious disease therapeutics and other biomedical applications, and biotechnology are discussed. From its past in this journal, there is a bright future for ancestral sequence reconstruction in the field of evolutionary biology.