The style along with Implementation of the HighPrecision Positioner Light fixture

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Bioluminescence imaging of cellular function is a promising strategy. It has advantages over fluorescence imaging such as high sensitivity, no phototoxicity or no autofluorescence, and compatibility to deep-tissue imaging or optogenetics. However, functional imaging of cellular signaling by bioluminescence is not so easy due to the limited availability of bright bioluminescent indicators.Here we describe a detailed strategy to detect cellular cAMP dynamics by using Nano-lantern (cAMP1.6), one of the brightest bioluminescent indicator for cAMP . Both induced and spontaneous cAMP signaling in social amoeba, with a large and small signal change, respectively, were imaged by this method.It is well appreciated that, differently from skeletal muscles, the heart contracts independently from neurogenic inputs. However, the speed and force of heartbeats are finely modulated during stresses, emotions, and daily activities, by the autonomic neurons (both parasympathetic and sympathetic) which highly innervate the myocardium. Despite this aspect of cardiac physiology has been known for long, research has only recently shed light on the biophysical mechanisms underlying the meticulous adaptation of heart activity to the needs of the organism. A conceptual advancement in this regard has come from the use of optogenetics, a revolutionary methodology which allows to control the activity of a given excitable cell type, with high specificity, temporal and spatial resolution, within intact tissues and organisms. The method, widely affirmed in the field of neuroscience, has more recently been exploited also in research on heart physiology and pathology, including the study of the mechanisms regulating heart rhythm. The last point is the object of this book chapter which, starting from the description of the physiology of heart rhythm automaticity and the neurogenic modulation of heart rate, makes an excursus on the theoretical basis of such biotechnology (with its advantages and limitations), and presents a series of examples in cardiac and neuro-cardiac optogenetics.The ubiquitous second messengers' 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP ) and 3',5'-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are crucial in regulating cardiomyocyte function, as well as pathological processes, by acting in distinct subcellular microdomains and thus controlling excitation-contraction coupling. Spatio-temporal intracellular dynamics of cyclic nucleotides can be measured in living cells using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET ) by transducing isolated cells with genetically encoded biosensors. While FRET experiments have been regularly performed in cardiomyocytes from different animal models, human-based translational experiments are very challenging due to the difficulty to culture and transduce adult human cardiomyocytes. Here, we describe a technique for obtaining human atrial and ventricular myocytes which allows to keep them alive in culture long enough to transduce them and visualize cAMP and cGMP in physiological and pathological human settings.Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is a universal second messenger that mediates a myriad of cell functions across all kingdoms of life.The ability to monitor intracellular changes of cAMP concentration in living cells using FRET-based biosensors is proving to be of paramount importance to unraveling the sophisticated organization of cAMP signaling.Here we describe the deployment of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, specifically the third instar larval stage, as an in vivo model to study the spatio-temporal dynamics of cAMP in neurons. The ubiquity of cAMP signaling and conservation of fundamental mechanisms across species ensures relevance to vertebrate neurons while providing a more structurally and ethically simple model.A variety of FRET probes have been developed to examine cAMP localization and dynamics in single cells. These probes offer a readily accessible approach to measure localized cAMP signals. However, given the low signal-to-noise ratio of most FRET probes and the dynamic nature of the intracellular environment, there have been marked limitations in the ability to use FRET probes to study localized signaling events within the same cell. Here, we outline a methodology to dissect kinetics of cAMP-mediated FRET signals in single cells using automated image analysis approaches. We additionally extend these approaches to the analysis of subcellular regions. These approaches offer a unique opportunity to assess localized cAMP kinetics in an unbiased, quantitative fashion.In the last years human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hIPS-CMs) have emerged as a promising alternative to rodent-derived cardiomyocytes. However, as the differentiation process is lengthy and commercially available cells are expensive, the cell number is limited. G007-LK Here we provide detailed information on how to scale down 2D cell cultures of hIPS-CMs for the purpose of cAMP FRET measurements, thereby extending the number of possible experiments by more than tenfold. Crucial factors like cell density or cell number to culturing media volume can be maintained exactly as under normal culturing conditions and existing equipment does not need to be modified.The chapter covers the preparation of downscaled cell culture vessels, coating and seeding procedures, transduction or transfection of the cells with a genetically encoded cAMP FRET sensor, performing real-time cAMP FRET measurements with this sensor and the analysis of generated imaging data. Numbers for seeding areas, seeding densities, coating volumes and concentrations, media volumes, and concentrations of reagents are given as guidelines.A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are a family of multivalent scaffolding proteins. They engage in direct protein-protein interactions with protein kinases, kinase substrates and further signaling molecules. Each AKAP interacts with a specific set of protein interaction partners and such sets can vary between different cellular compartments and cells. Thus, AKAPs can coordinate signal transduction processes spatially and temporally in defined cellular environments. AKAP-dependent protein-protein interactions are involved in a plethora of physiological processes, including processes in the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune system. Dysregulation of AKAPs and their interactions is associated with or causes widespread diseases, for example, cardiac diseases such as heart failure. However, there are profound shortcomings in understanding functions of specific AKAP-dependent protein-protein interactions. In part, this is due to the lack of agents for specifically targeting defined protein-protein interactions. Peptidic and non-peptidic inhibitors are invaluable molecular tools for elucidating the functions of AKAP-dependent protein-protein interactions. In addition, such interaction disruptors may pave the way to new concepts for the treatment of diseases where AKAP-dependent protein-protein interactions constitute potential drug targets.Here we describe screening approaches for the identification of small molecule disruptors of AKAP-dependent protein-protein interactions. Examples include interactions of AKAP18 and protein kinase A (PKA) and of AKAP-Lbc and RhoA. We discuss a homogenous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) and an AlphaScreen® assay for small molecule library screening and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac myocytes (hiPSC-CMs) as a cell system for the characterization of identified hits.Second messenger molecules in eukaryotic cells relay the signals from activated cell surface receptors to intracellular effector proteins. FRET-based sensors are ideal to visualize and measure the often rapid changes of second messenger concentrations in time and place. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) is an intrinsically quantitative technique for measuring FRET. Given the recent development of commercially available, sensitive and photon-efficient FLIM instrumentation, it is becoming the method of choice for FRET detection in signaling studies. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for time domain FLIM, using the EPAC-based FRET sensor to measure changes in cellular cAMP levels with high spatiotemporal resolution as an example.Heterologous expression of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) and adenylyl cyclases (ACs) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe can be used in combination with PKA-repressed reporters to either carry out high throughput screens for small molecule inhibitors of these target enzymes or to assess hit compounds and their analogs from such screens. Here, we describe two methods for testing panels of such compounds. The first uses a growth assay for which growth in medium containing the pyrimidine analog 5-fluoro orotic acid (5FOA) occurs in response to inhibiting PDE activity to activate PKA. The second uses mass spectrometry to directly measure the impact of compound treatment to study compounds that modulate either PDE or AC activity.Optical approaches have revolutionized our view of second messenger signaling in organelles, allowing precise time-resolved assessment of soluble signaling molecules in situ. Among the most challenging of subcellular signaling microdomains to assay is the primary cilium. A petite but visually arresting organelle, the primary cilium extends from the cell surface of most non-dividing cells. Recently, the concept of the primary cilium as an independent cAMP signaling organelle has attracted substantial interest. The cilium sequesters a very specific subset of ciliary cAMP-linked GPCRs in its membrane (e.g., 5-HT6, D1R, MCR4, FFAR4, TGR5), as well as other key components of the cAMP signaling machinery that include adenylyl cyclases, GNAS, phosphodiesterases, PKA holoenzyme, and biologically important PKA targets. Here we provide a practical guide to assessing ciliary cAMP signals in live cells using targeted genetically encoded FRET biosensors. Key experimental difficulties include gathering sufficient signal from such a small, photon-limited volume, and the susceptibility of cilia to movement artifacts. Other challenges are associated with the fidelity of sensor targeting and the difficulties in distinguishing between cAMP signals produced exclusively within the cilium vs. those that emanate from the cell body. Here we describe ratio imaging approaches used in our lab for time-resolved visualization of ciliary cAMP in cultured renal cells. These methods can be readily adapted to other cell types and microscopy platforms according to the needs of the user.In the past 15 years, optogenetic methods became invaluable tools in neurobiological research but also in general cell biology. Most prominently, optogenetic methods utilize microbial rhodopsins to elicit neuronal de- or hyperpolarization. However, other optogenetic tools have emerged that allow influencing neuronal function by different approaches. In this chapter we describe the use of photoactivated adenylyl cyclases (PACs) as modulators of neuronal activity. Using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism, this chapter shows how to measure the effect of PAC photoactivation by behavioral assays in different tissues (neurons and muscles), as well as their significance to neurobiology. Further, this chapter describes in vitro cyclic nucleoside-3',5'-monophosphate measurements (cNMP) to characterize new PACs in C. elegans.